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07/26/10 5:07 PM

#341 RE: mick #340

Doctor Beter, you would be amazed the rockefeller dynasty,
the mid-east oil trick ft knox gold, all was stoled,
by the bolsheveks ...

The Gold in Fort Knox ¡ª the US Treasury gold ¡ª
that is the ..... We were misled,
deceived and out right LIED TO! ...
The missing gold was quietly sold to Rockefeller for
the official price of $35 per ounce. ...

The song the illuminati DOES NOT want you to hear

How You Can Say GOODBYE to the IRS
How to protect yourself from an organization who doesn't want to follow the law and put you in jail for giving them too much information.

Imagine what would happen if you received a letter from the notorious IRS? Doesn't it make your heart jump? The IRS is probably one of the most fearful organizations within the U.S. Government, perhaps because it plays a part in everyone's lives.

It almost seems that the IRS writes its own laws and cannot be held accountable for its actions. The truth is, the IRS does have procedures and Congress enacted laws that they must follow. The most unfortunate part is that they don't follow their own written procedures and continuously bend the laws when they can get away with it.

And if that's not bad enough, did you know that your chances of going to jail are 4 times higher when you file a 1040 Income Tax Confession Forms (misnamed Returns) as opposed to those who do not file 1040 Income Tax Confession Forms?

Where is the justice?

Certainly, there must be justice somewhere. What about the court system? Unfortunately, you might not find justice there since judges themselves are government paid, biased and do not want to upset the system thereby ending future advancement of their careers. Similarly, government officials are constantly ignoring the U.S. Constitution by expanding its powers while diminishing our constitutional rights and freedom.

Defend yourself from IRS' aggression

What would it mean to truly say goodbye to the IRS? What would you do if April 15th was just another beautiful spring day?

We can teach you:

•Learn how to look up the law and never end up following baseless legal theories that are out there. This is where you can learn how to not get yourself in trouble by verifying somebody's theory.
•Learn legal procedures to protect your rights and freedom. Learning how the court system works and different legal procedures will increase your chances of winning the case. In fact, you can save some legal costs by doing some of the work for yourself.
•Learn how to defend yourself from aggressive state and federal income tax agencies. Knowing what to say and what to do is VERY IMPORTANT for the outcome of your case. Giving the wrong information and not knowing when to not talk can cause you to LOSE YOUR case.
•Stop funding the enemies of American People who have taken control of America's political process and are destroying America and our freedoms.
Don't have the time to study, need help fighting the government's attack now?

Freedom Law School hosts a FREE weekly conference call every Tuesday night at 6PM. The number is (712) 432-3900, conference room number is 460421. Ask any questions you have regarding: Freedom, government and bureaucratic abuse, law, your rights, IRS issues, state tax issues, traffic tickets, judges, politicians…

If you have an urgent tax or government harassment problem, quickly give us a call at (760) 868-4271 or e-mail us. Since 1992, we have helped hundreds of individuals fend off IRS and government agencies' harassment.

For more information about the courses and services that we provide, request your Free Information Packet here!


09/27/11 2:16 PM

#379 RE: mick #340

How You Can Say GOODBYE to the IRS -

Ron Paul telling us that he will remove the taxes -
for they in total - are against the USA Constitution Rights
of the PEOPLE in USA -
E.g., -
Montanore, Goldman Sachs - GS is the short seller -
pawn for banksters using bailouts from the People -
to short sell and destroy the Western Societies -
if the People follow the 666 GS they create US to be
a new bolsheviks khazars ussr were 100 mil. People were
put into gulags concentration deads-camps to be murdered -

and add the WWI & WWII the Rothschild created -

- you get 100s of million People murdered -
the more the fed banksters add to the fiats currencies -
fraud poncy schemes -
the Higher the Gold and Silver
will FLY on the long term trend -

The Fed Audit - U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret
loans to bail out American and foreign banks and businesses
during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

As a result of this audit, we now know that the Federal Reserve
provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance

to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations

in the United States and throughout the world," said Sanders.

Bernie Sanders: The Fed Audit: "U.S. provided a whopping $16
trillion in secret loans to bail out US and foreign banks"

Update - Audit The Fed: HR 459 - 162 Co-sponsors

the GS used to nss - naked short sell the market to destroy it -
when it was not more allowed and the People discovered the
destruction -
they now use the banksters bailouts robbed from the People
to destroy the markets and the People -

history repeat itself -
of Great Russia destruction to be ussr and when all values
are robbed the 666 moves from the Eastern Europe to the
Western EURO and to the USA to repeat what the 666 did in ussr!

- the banksters news media will PR out the 666 cults GS video all over
the market to get as many fools of the People to follow and contribute
to the destruction of the Western Societies -

End the Income Tax, Abolish the IRS -

By tmartin • April 15, 2009

Ron Paul supports the elimination of the income tax and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). He asserts that Congress had no power to impose a direct income tax and has called for the repeal of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which was ratified on February 3, 1913.

An income tax is the most degrading and totalitarian of all possible taxes. Its implementation wrongly suggests that the government owns the lives and labor of the citizens it is supposed to represent. Tellingly, “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax” is Plank #2 of the Communist Manifesto, which was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and first published in 1848.

To provide funding for the federal government, Ron Paul supports excise taxes, non-protectionist tariffs, massive cuts in spending.

Ron Paul discusses the income tax and the “FAIR Tax” in May 2007:

How You Can Say GOODBYE to the IRS -
by mick, thank you great info :-)
God Bless