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07/13/10 12:59 PM

#94954 RE: banyon #94953

So unless BEHL can make a fortune instantly, they shouldn't be in the algae fuel development business? Come on. This is what we're investing in. Of course, $60 a gallon is too much right now. But if crude oil was discovered today, what do you think the cost would be to convert it to fuel?

There was a time when recycling bottles and cans wasn't cost effective. Now waste disposal companies make a fortune with recycling.

It takes time, public buy-in, government buy-in, processes, infrastructure... at less than a penny a share, that's the deal right now. What I believe is that over time, the cost will come down. Waaaay down.

I do agree that BEHL could still suceed in the supplement arena, which right now yields more profit per gallon than fuel. I think BEHL has assumed the imperative of getting off of fossil fuels and is investing in a better future for the US. But they don't have all their eggs in one basket.
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07/13/10 1:03 PM

#94955 RE: banyon #94953

The food and pharm market might be wise, banyon, but it does kinda takes the "fun" out of this stock......this time last summer, we old longs were going to save the world with BEHL....blazing new trails the biofuel world, if you will.

By the way, if memory serves me, tomorrow is the anniversary of the "crash" from .1550.........everybody please remember in your thoughts/prayers the trusting people were badly hurt back then!
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07/13/10 2:03 PM

#94963 RE: banyon #94953

You have to also consider that BEHL isn't really in the business of algae. They are in the business of PBRs. The goal is to sell PBRs and service contracts for them.

They have to grow algae to prove their system works and to do that AND make money the omegas are the right path. We can make money on the omegas to support us while we prove our system.

I am sure that BEHL will continue to produce algae (they would be stupid not to) But in a few years their main income should be contracts with companies that have bought PBRs and pay monthly for service and monitoring.

Those companies will be the ones that find the best way to produce algae fuels.

In the mean time BEHL will continue to improve their system and sell the omegas.

It will be an easy sell when they have a year of records on production and yield, along with costs and profits.

Also remember that algae oil is a vegetable oil. They can cost effectively produce Wesson oil and olive oil. With algae once you get the oil out of it you can process it just like crude oil using the same equipment.