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Penny Wizard

07/13/10 10:00 PM

#8 RE: Gatorelf #7

Today I called both Victoria Star and Western Towboat to learn some truth. Both companies said the actual tests were completely finished well over a year ago. Western Towboat directly told me they are NOT purchasing the product and have no interest to do so. If you look at EcoEmissions' SEC filings it shows zero sales.

Why did it take EcoEmissions well over a year to announce results of test? Sounds like they were saving test results for a Pump? If not a Pump, why hire notorious pump and dump guy like Jan Olivier? And why is Western Towboat not interested to buy and why are there zero sales for entire company??

Something is very, very fishy here.

Penny Wizard

07/13/10 10:19 PM

#9 RE: Gatorelf #7

Per their own SEC filings, EcoEmissions is broke. There is no evidence at all that any real financing is in place

Why would a company like Holland America ever to buy product from a broke company? If EcoEmissions truly had a purchase order from Holland America, they could get financing. But obviously they don't. Looks like just more hype and B.S. to me.