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10/02/02 11:06 PM

#15 RE: TigerPaw #14

good to see you clowns can hop around nimbly
I must seriously get some guidelines from SIAdminBob turned IHAdminBob
the guy suspended me after my infamous volatile exchange with that turdturkey Molloy on QCOM thread in 1999

dunno who WaterBoy is, but "cannot hide" is true on many levels
good to see guys who might be longtime lurkers
come on out and post a message, like WaterBoy
if 20 or 200 guys are lurking and reading, I wish they would even once per fortnight (sorry, Keynes_Harlot still workin he is)
some tell me that dozens read our work
but I think such claims are from the claims of fools

damn damn shizzam
Rosey, if you saw me without my shirt, you wouldnt think I was cute, and that goes double if you saw me bend over in speedos, since I am one hairy dude, never takes a chill in wintry time
even got a white/gray swirl on left side of my hairy chest
but then again, those cut peccs impress me during my bathroom posings
but I digress.....
seriously, good to see a second spot to hang and chew over these churning markets that do nothing but destroy lives, dreams, and pensions

some updates
I still dont know how long my extended suspension is to be on SI despite a supposed clarification by SIAdminJeff who told me to read my PM on that suspension duration
so I shot back a stern defiant message to those guys who are well intentioned, telling them I missed the 1.3 TOU on second identities, but that they really really need a new TOU item to cover DESTRUCTIVE BAITING NEGATIVE SELF-AGGRANDIZING INFLUENCES such as that gnome "Gold_Tutor"
and I still dont know the time duration, AFTER reading the notification
they are not clowns, not at all

I knew what I was doing when I suggested in my fatal message:
"Gold_Tutor" was a flat-chested woman suffering from obesity...
probably a bull d*k* masquerading in sheep's clothing...
who can change an alias but not an a***ole

(sorry IHubAdmin, dont suspend me already on my maiden voyage!!!)

from PM's received (about 12 now), I have been told from her former Calif friends that she is indeed a "woman of the 12th letter" who shuns the male gender WINKWINK, and worse, rarely has a good word to say about anybody except 2-3 fellow abusers

tomorrow morning I will share an email I got overnight from Jim Sinclair (of TanRange and
he answered me promptly and I am pleased and more encouraged
my query pertained to illiquidity and gold stocks during a panicky crash that we expect
he reassured that gold shares will zoom
tomorrow I will provide it in full, not real long

JWR, that well-coiffed Fleckenstein echoes much of Puplava's central points
great hair, I am truly jealous
I especially liked this note:

From 1991 through 1999, the
equity market quadrupled, growing at 19% per annum. GDP rose by 55%, which is 5.6%
per annum. And corporate bonds outstanding expanded by 146%, which is 11.9% per
annum. These numbers make clear the more rapid rate of both equity growth and debt
growth vs. GDP. To the extent that the drop in the stock market is a proxy for declines in
book values (admittedly, not a perfect analogy), corporate balance sheets continue to

that says it all
cut the indexes in half and we can talk about the end of the decline, eh hosers???
I am beginning to feel some genuine respeck for investors who remain on sidelines, pursuing bonds, and staying in money market fixed incomes
they read all the crapp about cheap stocks, worst is over, growth ahead in the economy, end of the bear, but PURE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE
their experience goes totally counter to such claims


they will have to make a midcourse correction soon, exit those profitable bonds, and look to the only remaining promising asset group -- GOLD

later, Jim
P.S. that was so much fun with Keynes_Harlot
the Cockney accent is a tough one