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07/11/10 12:03 PM

#56128 RE: BRIG_88 #56112

You are kidding right???

You guys are trying to paint accounting as some random guessing art form instead of being what it is.

They don't just decide to write down assets because they feel like it on a whim. They write down assets that are WORTH LESS THAN WHAT THEY ARE LISTED AS.

Obviously they felt 10 million dollars was absolutely ridiculous. They realized that these media credits were pretty much trash so they wrote them down and charged 1 million to operations because that is what they spent via stock.

By writing it all off to operations and washing their hands with it they can have their touts try and help them save face. Some people will buy the spin.

The bottom line here is that these credits are worth a tiny fraction of what was declared and may actually be worthless when it is all said and done.