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Replies to #260572 on Monk's Den


07/10/10 11:47 AM

#260573 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Nicely put Block...


07/10/10 11:53 AM

#260575 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Thanks Ex! The members that took advantage, and they know who they are, karma will always pay back some day some way. Back to the sqeeze!


07/10/10 11:57 AM

#260579 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Good Morning ExB. I would love to see this sticky posted. It is something that everyone needs to keep in front of them as we progress through this process. Honesty and integrity are the mainstays of what makes a person someone of character or not. All my life I have tried only to associate with people who I can trust and have these traits. If I find someone looks out for only themselves, they disappear from my life. I'm very very proud to call Ex B a friend. Monk is the very essence of someone with these qualities which I saw back in November when I first talked to him. Stick with him and you will never be sorry. Others will sell you down the river at the first opportunity to make a profit of one kind or another!



07/10/10 12:11 PM

#260590 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Thanks, Blockman, for your explanation. It would have never occurred to me that people would leave the Den or do anything to jeopardize the plays unless life forced their hand. I admit to being a bit frustrated at the recent turn of events on CDIV’s board and can’t help but notice the slow down of posting by the long timers over there, which usually goes a long way to quell the worries. Due to time constraints, I haven’t learned to read L2 and didn’t realize there was selling going on, just noticed the drop in overall volume and price and attributed it to the MM tactics. I’m glad you took the time to explain it to those of us who don’t always have time to catch up on the posts. I’ll probably never learn patience, but I don’t plan to sell one share until the squeeze is in full force. Have a great weekend.



07/10/10 12:29 PM

#260593 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Good to hear. I think it's important to reinforce the core principles as much as needed. It's easy to get distracted and deterred in the midst of bashers, sellers, doubt, etc., and posts like this help reaffirm why we came here in the first place.


07/10/10 12:39 PM

#260599 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Good post Ex-Blockman.


07/10/10 1:02 PM

#260603 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

you da man, H-Bomb


07/10/10 1:32 PM

#260616 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

To those that decided selfish greed was more important than the team:

Obviously, you feel really good about your decision. You locked in your profits. You have money to spend on your other plays or new toys that you have been wanting. Good for you. Now you can be happay and enjoy life. You're a happy camper.

Now,... what have you really done.
You used the most selfless, generous person that you will propbably ever meet, for your personal gain. In doing so, you have hurt that same person for your own personal benefit. Can you imagine what it is like to get 100's of messages a day from people wanting to know what's going on with the FLD, you still have confidence in the FLD, ...I have a problem and you are the only hope I have, ...I need the money for a family issue, ...when is this thing going to squeeze?, ...did you hear what someone said about the FLD?, are a crook and all these people are going to lose their money., ...I'm going to do everything I can to destroy your FLD play and discredit you. You took the idea of a team effort, an effort designed for ALL to win, and made it your personal ATM machine. You have hindered and delayed an effort that will help 1000's of people that need the assistance now. I personally know of a lady that is needing a surgery. Without it, she will leave this earth at a very young age. She does have time, but the longer it is delayed, the more damage is done. I know of a gentleman that is now struggling with a family emergency, and doesn't know where he will get the money to aid his family. Because of the economy, I know of several that are trying to provide for their family, that have missed many meals, in order to put food on the table for their children. Some of our OWN family members are looking at forclosure on their home. You have hindered their effort. Every family member here, has a similar story of people they know who need the help now.

Congratulations on your profit. Glad you got that new toy. Besides, all these people can wait ....


07/10/10 1:35 PM

#260618 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Great post, Ex Blockman! Although it saddens me that we had some sellers, not just because it delayed the squeeze but because they will regret the decision, but it feels like the foundation of this strategy is stronger than ever. A few days ago I wrote this post to the CDIV board:
Posted by: gwagon Date: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 10:51:52 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 142514
Many times it has been written on this board when there is any selling, that "it is fine" because the shares are now in "stronger hands". For those that may be nervous, stop and think about it. The strong hands aren't just the ones that don't flip. No, these hands are so strong that they will have the fortitude to HOLD ON even when the CDIV pps goes UP. Think about that.

The stage is set so that you are so very uncomfortable. You are angry with the team, the MM's and especially yourself. Maybe you are down so far now that at this point the only thing you can do is wait it least until you are back to even. When the price finally does move, you'll be so incredibly relieved that you have your original investment back that you will dump everything as fast as you can and heave a sigh of relief. Don't you see the big picture? Do you see how you will have reacted "according to plan"? Step back and really study the whole picture, but WITHOUT a timeline. Don't allow your expectations to sabotage the opportunity of a lifetime!

The squeeze will no doubt come when we LEAST expect it. After all, isn't that usually the way the best things in life show up?

I just wanted to underscore the main point of the post. Correct me if I am wrong, but it would seem that the MOST critical point in the execution of this strategy will be when the price moves up substantially. How substantial that move is, will be a subjective issue, and for many it is directly proportional to their average price. There may be many that have managed to quell their insecurity and have been able to stomach the last few months. However, I think it is equally important to be able to handle the RISE as well. I can't help but feel that for some, this will be as emotional excruciating as the drop in price because they are going to want to SELL!
For example, my husband doesn't read the boards and he is not as "convinced" of this strategy as I am. It has been difficult to watch the balance in our position go down, down, down. God bless him, he has put up with my insistence to hang onto our shares(and buy more!), and I think even he is getting used to the volatility!lol! But just yesterday, when the past few days have been pretty exciting, he spoke about "taking some off the table". Of course, that is out of the question, but I am sure that is how many are feeling. I can't help but think that that decision could be the difference between a squeeze and a bullshake. A bullshake is good, but it sets the stage for another round like we have just endured.
Again, if I'm wrong correct me, so my "stupid light" will stop flashing. I just think it is important to prepare ourselves "before" the events so that there aren't suddenly gut wrenching decisions to make. It has been the incredible foreknowledge provided on these boards that has not only educated me since I began investing in the FLD's, but has given me the resolve to hold fast and "see" the happy ending to the story.


07/10/10 1:43 PM

#260630 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Well stated Ex and thank you for that you contribute to this team...your guidance is so crucial in keeping this team running smooth. I can't say thank you enough.


07/10/10 2:28 PM

#260650 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Excellent post! We can't stop all flippers, but I hope this helps the team members understand that their actions directly impact the rest of the team. I know some people have had to sell some shares to pay bills, etc. and that is not the problem here. Those people work with the team to unload slowly so it does not hurt the team.


07/10/10 2:52 PM

#260659 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Nice post EB. You are a very large part of the backbone of the team.

Craig Baker

07/10/10 3:34 PM

#260705 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Damn nice write up EX and SO TRUE....... WE ARE A TEAM and as a TEAM every individual should have their brother and sister's backs. What does that mean? It means doing what is right by your brother and sisters. It's taking a hard look in the mirror in the morning and finding out if your a team member or not and if not, skiddidle...... People on IHUB ACTUALLY ARE LAUGHING AT US...... YES, I SAID THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU, ME, AND OUR FRIENDS because the consensus is that a team like ours can never ever happen when money is envolved! But guess what, IT HAS HAPPENED!! It's not just happened but it is as strong as it can get! Think about that for a minute. We're told we can't but yet we say we can and we did!~ How about them taters.........

A few individuals "ATTEMPTED" to do their own thing for their own pocketbooks and unfortunately couldn't see the big picture and super unfortunately, couldn't have their friends and family's backs... It will always be exposed from here on out. We have a very strong team WHO "GET IT"..... This enitre situation was created to provide a "pay it forward' example to others. Unfortunately there were still some that can't pay anything forward to others. That's called selfish in my book and no blessings ever come to those who have that mentality or heart. If your heart isn't in this game, maybe one should re-examine one's self and get back at a later date when they've figured it out IF THEY EVER WILL....

There will be no questions here soon enough. Those fortunate enough to be part of this "calling" will be benefactors of something much much bigger then themselves. Mark that down, tatoo it somewhere on the body, and put it in a plaque for safe keeping. It's the truth with some cheese on it and that's all I have to say about this matter...........

Now, how's everyone's day so far? Mine is going much better than the past few days and that's a "blessing".............. ;-)


07/10/10 3:45 PM

#260715 RE: Ex Blockman #260572



lets roll.............. birddd


07/10/10 5:12 PM

#260835 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Thank you for sharing this post. It is hard to digest that some internal den members would sell at the expense of the team but I do agree with you that the concept of the float lockdown remains the same and that it may take longer but it will happen.
This is why I am so glad that I went to the advanced monkinar and learned how to trade the faz/fas(or am learning to:)) because then I can tuck away my shares and know I can generate income elsewhere and don't have to watch them everyday. I know many are going to the classes so perhaps this will help everyone have patience.


07/10/10 8:51 PM

#260989 RE: Ex Blockman #260572

Great post rock!