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07/10/10 10:38 AM

#325318 RE: bigdaddy2009 #325316

Business "as usual" was a money losing proposition supported by illegal stock sales. SPNG loses money on operations and has run out of options to replenish its treasury since the Mutts robbed it of all of the cash they obtained through fraudulent enterprise.
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07/10/10 12:33 PM

#325349 RE: bigdaddy2009 #325316

SPNG will not continue business as usual as their powers to write checks to themselves has been stopped.

That was the only business these guys were in.

I was a long on this but learned a very harsh lesson and to believe any penny stock ceo like this one, is completely idiotic.

How many lies does it take for shareholders to wake up to the fact that they were played and played hard.

Moskowitz has some serious issues and the continuance of the stall tactics now with the BK filings is laughable.

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07/10/10 12:41 PM

#325353 RE: bigdaddy2009 #325316


how will they continue stealing .. when they're in jail

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07/11/10 2:28 AM

#325479 RE: bigdaddy2009 #325316

~!~ WOW ... You were/are so wrong on so many levels...
And I and others were so RIGHT on all levels... repeatedly.

Posted by: Kitt Proimos Member Level Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 1:54:39 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 325478 Send a link via email Share on Facebook Tweet this post
oa, that doesn't seem to be much of a fine considering the money involved.

~!~ I suppose one can use disassociation and misdirection about fines instead of the real issue that a party has been convicted of a crime and must pay a punishment for that crime. The amount of a fine isn't important. The fact a party is guilty and committed the act should not be soft pedaled....

Spng management, by purposely submitting a known bad check for payment.. (tell me M&M didn't know that account is closed... M&M would be the ones to close a checking account, NOT the bank... the customer is responsible to verify to close their account, so the excuse they didn't know won't float in court.) ... is committing at least 'uttering and publishing' a bad check.

M&M apparently want spng to fail or get revoked.

Bet a dozen krispy kremes every bit of spng property is already in vaev or some other shell....

Revoke or BK for spng real soon....

Posted by: Kitt Proimos Member Level Date: Saturday, May 01, 2010 1:33:40 PM
In reply to: A deleted message Post # of 325478 Send a link via email Share on Facebook Tweet this post

I also believe they are fighting for their lives and could use a hand up and not a foot in the face.

~!~ I realize you are doing all you can to help them, but with all the back dealing for themselves and rme with the disrespect to and the complete cost to faithful shareholders..(the ones who won't trade a single share), I would think a foot up to the kneecap up their collective backside where the sun don't shine should only be the beginning treatment that shareholders should do to M&M.

A foot in the face just doesn't seem satisfying mainly because shareholders are total toast if they hold until spng goes down and have no hope of return on their investment UNLESS they trade on the greys.

Spng will never trade above the grey again......prediction.