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10/02/02 7:42 PM

#31476 RE: Ace Hanlon #31469

"Article makes good argument that Bush's aggressive imperialism and jingoism will do much to sink the dollar and send gold soaring."


I note that the language above was your own and not that of the article. I personally object to your choice of adjectives concerning our President and feel strongly that Bush is doing the correct thing for the national good. Please take your naive, left wing, anti-american notions to the political board that has been set up here for just such discussion. The American people and congress disagree with you, as do I.


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10/02/02 8:07 PM

#31485 RE: Ace Hanlon #31469

Mr. Cole,

I support your view. Bush's policies are unamerican.
The real Bush motive IMO is access to Iraq's oil reserves which are slightly less than those of Saudi Arabia. British Petroleum was buying up stakes in Russian oil companies last week. The Russian oil companies have drilling rights in Iraq which really can not be used while Sadam (the butcher) is in power.

Tony Blair is from British Petroleum and of course GWB Jr. comes from a long line of oil businesses some of which were funded by the Bin Laden family. It would be folly to assume that this has no bearing on the policies that are being adopted.

The new world order has the US assuming the role of "Imperial Rome". All of this is happening without any honest debate before the American people. I think we can do a lot better than that.

Keep talking out. But I better quit now since there is supposed to be little or no politics on this thread.

Also, thanks to Zeev for his astute observations.....


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10/02/02 8:20 PM

#31489 RE: Ace Hanlon #31469

ok guys ...
chill out .....
dubya bush BOUGHT the election fair and square ......

how do u buy an election ???
1st ....have papa bush call in his IOU's ......
2nd ....have big bro in florida to "help" out ...
3rd ... hire a BIG HUMUNGOUS BATCH OF HIGH PRICED LAWYERS to do a count ....then a recount ....another recount ...then recount the recounted recounts .......

...... get the picture ???

now ......
back to the mkts .......


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jayhawk 5

10/02/02 9:11 PM

#31510 RE: Ace Hanlon #31469

And why would the Prudent Bear argue that President Bush's policy is just what the Dr. ordered and will stimulate the economy and as as a result, the Bear Market is over. Just what did you expect the Pudent Bear to say George?

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10/03/02 8:59 AM

#31579 RE: Ace Hanlon #31469

I am kind of surprised that the board reacted as well as it did to this post. I think Wars and the market place can't be separated. If people are mindlessly pro Bush or mindlessly Pro Clinton or Bore or whatever it creates an environment where some aspects of the market can't be disscused and boards are less useful. Having said that who gets to decide where the line is between spreading useful market information and using a thread as a soapbox. I dunno. I am glad George posted it and glad the board reacted well to it. If some one I respect less than George was posting things I thought were less relevant I'd probably feel differently about it.