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07/07/10 8:34 PM

#22539 RE: doggone #22537

One other problem is that those, including myself, have a vested interest in pumping out the good news and suppressing the bad. When we have thousands of dollars vested in a particular stock, our judgment gets cloudy and we only want to hear positive things about our stock.

However, in this case I believe the stock is legit, but I think management is diluting every chance they get. They didn't authorize millions of shares not to used. Every time time recently there is news the pps drops even though people are buying and volume increases. I can't see any other reason for this to be happening.
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Oz the OK

07/07/10 8:55 PM

#22540 RE: doggone #22537

So, this is my question to your post; why put out such PR's unless the intention is deceive those less knowledgable?

Because they can. Is it ethical? Nope. But ethics has no place here...this is the Wild West of the electronic frontier...the SEC is like one sheriff to patrol hundreds of territories; where card cheating, cheap saloon whores, claim jumping, land swindles and everything else associated with a lawless community still flourishes in a modern, digital setting.

Just as in that time after the civil war, people in here who trade pennies and pinks, are fully aware of the risk they are taking. The rules, or rather lack of rules, may be the same for the two environments, but that has never stopped people from chasing that dream. Some learn that it's a tough environment, and learn how to play the game. Others still insist the rules should be played in a more civilized/structured/legal manor...but as of today, there are not that many civilized rules that these stocks operate under compared to their noble blooded cousins up on the exchanges, so you really can't expect people to trade them, or the companies to operate, as if they are abiding by the laws their upper class brethren are held to.

So, whether somebody wants to play the small town preacher and point out the sins of the establishment, or somebody wants to play the traveling snake oil salesmen and hype the next great elixir, it's still boils down to the fact that everybody who trades these type of stocks...has made a personal decision to do so...and it is THEIR responsibility to learn the rules of playing in an unregulated environment. It's an environment were everybody is out for only themselves, from management of the company to the traders of the company stock, to the MM's playing the two against each other. Those that survive in this game learn this. If they also learn from a post by you or me, that is a bonus, but learning in life is normally acquired through personal experience and an accumulation of mistakes. Telling somebody the stove is hot isn't as good of a teacher as burning your hand on the actual flame.