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07/07/10 6:24 PM

#53315 RE: entdoc #53314

FWIW My email to steve


I have been invested in PPHM for over ten years and at this juncture I am the MOST disappointed I have ever been with this investment. I am sure that you are fielding many questions from many investors and if time permits could you please respond to mine. Not that it matters but my current holdings are aprox ***** shares

#1 Why have we not filled our board vacancy
#2 How can you tell us quarter after quarter year after year that we are in talks and never license anything ** Any agreement that does NOT come with up front payments that can be released ( Stason, Dios } to the MARKET imo should not be considered.
#3 Why is a SCIENTIST running a company with over 100 employees and millions of dollars in expenditures instead of a qualified, experienced CEO
#4 Why is it that every time we seem to find traction we shoot our self with more dilution. ie timing of our last June 29Th 8 k pr
#5Last but most important HOW can you write a letter to shareholders saying YOU don't know why the pps is falling !!! AS THE CEO IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW EVERY ASPECT OF THE COMPANY ESPECIALLY THE PPS.

Thank you I look forward to your reply