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07/07/10 6:24 PM

#74536 RE: venomen2002 #74535

Actually you could go to your own LOWES
home center and check out the displays and get back to us..EXPO has put out info many times as to how much certain displays generate in income..While you are there be sure to check out the small flooring display that the company gets around $175 for..Compare those to the tool displays..

just returned from my neighborhood Lowe's and verified what you stated, of course I couldn't determine cost but they were not cheap looking units..

nice post veno, well presented..
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Santa Barbara Broker

07/08/10 1:20 PM

#74552 RE: venomen2002 #74535

Of all the literally thousands of times I have been at a retail store in all my life, I cannot with good conscience remember a single time, not once, that I saw a display case with the manufacturer's name prominently displayed on it. Now, this could well be that I, like most other sane people in the universe, would never bother looking for such an item. The display cases may well have some ID on them. But I rather doubt it. So, on the odd chance I am correct and the display cases are nondescript, of what purpose would a trip to Lowes or anywhere else to search out a D&D display serve anyone? The style of a display in a discount hardware chain, EXPO's included would have about, hmmm, let's say, ahhh ZERO to do with revenue generation. Quality, branding and price having 100% to do with it. That isn't just a fact, it's a basic tenet of retail sales. Displays are bought based on their quality, durability and price and are built to specs which (especially display height factors) which may have an influence on sales particularly when staged at checkout or when used to display an impulse item at near adult eye level. The display itself having absolutely nothing to do with "sales generation" which if influenced sales at all would likely be from additional sales materials taped to or added onto the display by Lowes or the retailer using them.

I am also willing to bet a large sum that no "long term" Lowes employee beyond the grade level of assistant manager would have the foggiest idea or even care who manufactured the store's display shelves and cabinetry. Nor do I believe that they or any sane manager or assistant manger in a high volume, under-staffed store environment like that is going to stand around casually conversing the finer points of EXPH display cabinetry with some penny stock investor while their buying customers go unattended and the employee's duties go undone. I also seriously question these "wear and tear" theories on D&D tool displays at Lowes. I'd conservatively estimate a useful life span of a quality display has a minimum 20 years in that environment...the most wear and tear probably occuring when the traffic patterns in the stores are altered and the display cabinetry moved from ailse to aisle or even store to store to accomodate. Not from customers removing and replacing a hand tool...which are usually suspended or hung from adjustable wire support racking and never contact the display itself at any time anyway.