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07/07/10 12:04 PM

#126 RE: Stock #125

Under Surveillance: AWSL Chairman Has Some Skeletons in His Closet
by Melissa Davis - 12/16/2009 6:49:44 AM

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Gilles Trahan, the chairman of both Atlantic Wind & Solar (AWSL.PK) and MSE Enviro-Tech (MEVT.PK), better hope that investors don’t start judging him by the company he keeps.

After all, Trahan has ties to Basil Meecham – a past target of securities regulators – that date back at least eight years. The two men remained connected as Facebook friends as recently as last month, although they have since taken steps to block visitor access to their personal information. The Street Sweeper captured evidence of that Facebook friendship weeks ago, however, in anticipation of such changes.

Meanwhile, past ties between Trahan and Meecham remain a matter of public record. The paper trail starts during the early years of this decade, when both men worked for a doomed penny stock company known as Symphony Telecom. The company employed Trahan as its chairman and CEO, public filings show, while it paid Meecham (with 1.5 million shares of its own stock) for providing “consulting services” to the firm.

The same company retained Mario Giangioppo – a disbarred attorney – as its legal advisor, The Globe and Mail revealed, before later changing its name. While running for political office in 2003, the newspaper noted, Giongioppo wound up dropping out of the race when his past came back to haunt him...