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LJ Silver

07/01/10 12:34 PM

#156807 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Man I am sorry about your wife. Hope you get better news and God Bless.
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07/01/10 12:37 PM

#156820 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

We'll all keep you and your wife in our thoughts this week.

Perhaps something good can still be salvaged from all of these setbacks.

Keep the faith as best as you can,

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07/01/10 12:38 PM

#156821 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Dude! I am very sorry to hear that news! QASP is the least of your worries...

I was wiggin' out because I gotta come up with mortgage, bill, and food money this month on shares worth less than 1/2 as much from last week. Not that big of a deal now.

Good luck and God Bless!
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07/01/10 12:38 PM

#156825 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Wow.......puts it all in perspective! Everyone here should read your post.......and everyone should be saying a prayer for The Protector and his wife. I'm praying for you guys!!!!
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07/01/10 12:46 PM

#156844 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Protector, your intestinal fortitude is amazing. Sharing your wife's condition puts this silly stock thing in perspective. The two of you are in the thoughts and prayers of many here, including me and my wife! We wish you only the best! Ken and Jackie
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07/01/10 12:50 PM

#156851 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

ThEpRoTeCtOR, post your email address, and I will send you links to help you wife.
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07/01/10 12:52 PM

#156857 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

My prayers go out to you, I wish you both the best,
regards, buddy
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07/01/10 12:52 PM

#156858 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

ThEpRoTeCtOr pay no attention to sportsprofit it's not his fault the way he is.

You and your wife are in my prayers You have brought prospective to this insignificant stock foopaa.

My best wishes

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07/01/10 12:55 PM

#156867 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

I can empathize with you. I had metastatic colon cancer in '99.

All I can say is God has a purpose for me because I am clean as a whistle when my Doc's were giving me a less than 10% chance.

I will remember your wife in my prayers. I hope the Mod's will leave this up long enough for you to see it.
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07/01/10 1:13 PM

#156902 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Hey man I feel your pain! I wish both you and your wife strength. GL2U
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07/01/10 1:52 PM

#156980 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Sorry to hear about your wife's (and YOUR) ordeal. brother-in-law got non-hogkins (from agent orange)...has now been in total remission for six years now. Tell your to try and keep her's not like getting cancer 30 years ago....or for that matter, even 10 years ago. They are doing AMAZING things these days Best to you both.
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07/01/10 1:55 PM

#156987 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

For every day that is rains there are 300 more when it shines. Good luck to you and your wife, keep your chin up!
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07/01/10 2:46 PM

#157077 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

Sorry to hear about your wife Brother...prayers are out your way to you and your wife. My wife will be one year since her surgery for breast cancer.
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07/01/10 2:48 PM

#157083 RE: ThEpRoTeCtOr #156793

When it rains it pours. Best of luck to your wife, and it does put things in perspective. Remembering the simple things and what I do have even if I lose everything, and it is everything, on this. I am still crazy and holding. I hope you and I both get whatever relief that a successful QASP can provide amidst all the rain.