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07/02/10 8:57 PM

#18331 RE: extelecom #18322

Teabagger. Jobs lies. Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

decouverte d Elbe

07/03/10 3:25 AM

#18332 RE: extelecom #18322

And still, the Country was losing 700,000 jobs/month the day Bush left office, and was spiralling towards an estimated 25% unemployment. During the years 2001-2009 the SEC was watching porn instead of the stock market abuses. Complaints of malfeasance by companies were never investigated. Oil companies weren't paying royalties to the US Government, and were allowed to police themselves. Same with mining companies. No technology was developed to clean up oil spills. Energy executives were put in charge to watch over themselves, while throwing drug parties, and orgies with regulators. Additional tax incentives were given to US corporations to ship more American jobs overseas. Revenues in this country were substantially depleted, while trickle up economics led to wealth hoarding from the "base". A 10 year projected surplus turned into a 10 year nightmare. Social Security continued to get raided. The Nation's surplus turned into a deficit his first year in office. Estate Taxes went down drastically, culminating into zero government revenue this year. State revenue bases attacked, forcing many to cut back on essential government services. All billionaires this year that die pay zero estate taxes from their estate. An unfunded prescription drug program for nearly a trillion $, with 140 billion in welfare to big pharma, all paid by deficits. Two wars paid for by the GOP Congress on the backs of future generations. More election machine fraud, without paper ballots, rather than tackling the issue that illegitamitely put Bush in office. A stable economy turned into a nightmare. No attempt to fix the healthcare crisis, instead offering mediacal accounts to the wealthy. Massive fraud in the 10s of billions by no-bid war contracts, while the VP was being paid 10s of millions by Haliburton. Deregulated utilities that caused a severe financial, and energy crisis in California, and the collapse of Enron, that GOP cronies of Bush were running. Medical bankruptcy costs, as health hurdles on the middle class increased dramatically. Credit card companies given a free hand to stick it to consumers as much as they wanted. Two Activist Supreme Court Justices sworn in that eliminated $$ limits on foreign corporations to influence our elections. Massive fraud by subcontractors on money sent to Gulf States in the aftermath of Katrina. An attempt to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, rather than hiring displaced New Orleans residents to bring back their city. A looming pension crisis ignored. Chinese Yuan issues never addressd that devalued our currency, no attempts to guard intellectual property in China. Blocked funding, initiated by the Clinton Administration, that led to a drastic decrease in the number of first responders. The worst attack ever to take place on American soil, after yelling "Wag the dog"! A war in Afghanistan that was left neglected, and saw defeat snatched from the hands of Victory. no capture of Bin Laden, either dead, or alive. An illegal war in Iraq, based on phony evidence that led to the outing by the VP of a CIA spy. A tripling of our national debt, with nothing to show for the money spent. A country left on the brink of ruin. A culture of lobbyist corruption deep rooted. A sharp increase in the crime rate, and a crippled Nation, that was expected to recover the day Bush left office. Unaccountability in every government agency. The worst housing crisis in American history. Aah, the good old days, seems that the misinformed American public is ready for another round of abuse this November. OK, enough of some of the finer points of the Bush/GOP for the bad points...yeah those were great times weren't they, at least for 5% of Americans it was.. and you expect Obama to be the " Messiah" when the GOP doesn't even seriously try to cooperate to attack these major must be kidding yourself..there are no miracles from this aftermath, just a less secure Nation that George W. Bush left behind.. next thing you know, the GOP will go after the milk and nutrition that poorer children receive in school, to help them turn into productive adults..oh wait..they already have.