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06/30/10 1:12 PM

#60 RE: dffhogs #59

They can then do some pump PR's to drive the pps up so they can get a little more out of the 35 million shares they have left to sell...Sell into the pump and you should make a little money on your past "nibbles"

Thank you hogs, THAT SAYS IT ALL IMO.

Speaking of hogs, we have a mess of wild hogs that got out of Corbin's Park in NH, raising hell with lawns and fields.


RJ Trotts

07/01/10 1:04 PM

#61 RE: dffhogs #59

The revenues are what everyone wants to see. You could be right, I am just glad that both companies have to file. I know I am looking forward to seeing MATW's benefit along with the benefit for the ETNL shareholders. It is going to be interesting. You could be right about break-even, but what would that do for ETNL? Also how much is ETNL going to allow MATW to profit off of their licenses? This is never a dull subject, I guess we will know in the 3rd and 4th quarter as to the details and the Profit Margin. Because that is why shareholders invest, to see their profit and portfolios grow. Time will tell, we should know something in November or December as to the details of the Third Quarter then about February or March 2011, we should see the details of the Fourth Quarter for both companies. For me, I am in no hurry at all, but am looking forward to seeing how BOTH companies profit off of the sale of the products. Then will MATW jump on this next Licenses to be announced? Or stick with Vatican and Star Trek?