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06/29/10 3:21 AM

#16946 RE: jetpilot1101 #16940

probably the best strategy is then to just have a standing order at various price points and have this come accross as news so you can jump back in if you think its warranted

good luck


06/29/10 7:38 AM

#16949 RE: jetpilot1101 #16940

Good for you Jetpilot1101 !!

Couldnt said it better myself..


07/05/10 3:52 AM

#17465 RE: jetpilot1101 #16940

your post keeps coming up on the google cue so i thought it best to respond to it again, we have seen 30,000,000 share days, my hunch is that w/ the same float of the next year we will have at least 1 day where the total daily volume will exceede the total issued number of shares, seen this before w/ nonvolatile electronics, it will happen here imho. i am not going to bet on it however but imho its not just plausable its highly probable. news of an uplist, will do it, and if they run this as a farm out, w/ percentage, unless they have cash for specific operations, look out, that balance sheet will look very good, with a clean balance sheet in a commodity that is not being replaced w/ a no dilution policy will fluctuate above a premium.

finally, nat gas of late has shown better resiliance than oil, my bet is that even w/ cap and trade coming down the pike, natural gas will gain a formidable advantage that it has not enjoyed, w/ the market being pegged nationally, caddo will fetch a premium sufficient to cover any lien with ooag and bdgr reaping a huge benefit. Thought some hope for the energy bill to go through during this session, it may be better for ooag to get it just before they uplist which is much more likely, I enjoy speculating on this stock because the turmoil between ooag and lanza is for all practical purposes over.

this stock is a huge wild card and longs that are accumulating may be viewed by some to be PE contrarians, but this kind of had been seen with gold, companies being traded at a premium PE because of their potential then growing down their pe w/ a simultanious market cap increase, after the contrarians move in then the pros move in followed by retail.

the rally imho that we saw was very lean on retail yet the stock has held up very well all things are considered. There are no major uncertainties like w/ small cap pharma waiting for the fda while the stock gets diluted. There is not problem like waiting for a miner waiting to get permission to finally get to their gold. There are is no waiting for any kind of special funding that is the hallmark of a otc/pink sheet stock. There is no waiting for special litigation processes that take years. There is no waiting for kick dirt in your face licensing agreements. There is no sitting around fearing someone coming in and telling you your assets are worthlesss. There is no waiting for customers to buy your goods. There is no waiting around for one's thechnology to become obsolete, there is no scratching one's head trying to find a business model. (i'm making this inclusive btw so the people that hate ooag / barnett will dd trying to run through every individual quote ha ha. ), there is no struggle to work out all kinds of fancy logistics. There is no fight over all kinds of currency considerations there is no leverage involved in dealing with setting up customers with goods. there is no day to day uncertainty of the true value of assets as the markets are efficent. Comnpetition is not an issue like it is for a tech company. There is no need to spend tons of money on r&d. No new markets that need to be developed. There is nothing perishable involved. All liabilities are well established with good metrics for fair insurance pricings. Stores are turned over rapidly so damage to goods for most every scenario is highly limited. Book keeping is a well established process for companies of this nature. The company can be run with minimal management. Compared to other busniesses there is plenty of wealth go to around better intercompany relations, the emphisis on stealing ideas is at a minimum relative to other busines models. You dont have to appease an arrogant employee class. There is plenty of expertise to be had. There is a speculative upside to the business that is of galactic proportions, though rare, it may happen with any kind of in-ground commodity. its in many respects saftly distanced from the incremental problems plaguing all the maga corporations wall street loves. Its something everyone more or less understands snd can relate to. It can be used to drive its own production. I doesn't require much of if any first mover advantage. It doesnt depend on rivalry revelery, as such. It avoids anything that is unproven. It avoides special toxic long term contracts. It does not mater on any kind of special artistic marketing flair. It does not depend on any kind of sexy perceptions. Its value does not depend on some abrupt-arbitrary time cuttoff. It has many other uses. It for the most part does not depend on the weather, and when it does it usually becomes more valuable. It does not depend on huge sweat shops, print presses, latest fashions, or a fickle consumer. It does not depend on complex manufacturing processes. It does not depend on a new un established paradigm.

This is a good old fashioned time tested business model devoid of the stuff shirt blowhards there will be a move to get retail in