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06/29/10 11:26 AM

#2382 RE: schaef #2381

Hi Shaef
I looked into it before with notary there and he found those 15 out of I think 18 were TATF farms .Things matched.

I dont know if they could sell all TATF under the same name and title number.Under current ownership am pretty sure they can sell the farms if they wanted to.I assume they control the S.A. or corporation I am pretty sure. Earlier there were postings about 50 percent control of trees I think it was tree owner,? I do not know if that makes a difference.If it did the owner could simply include shrubs,bushes,new seedlings,oil trees ect. to his holdings and label him the controler. The S.A is usually set up to hide the owners names most everything else is listed I believe.

I do not believe they want sell farms with all of the land and trees they have emassed.

Although it is very common to divide properties in CR and inexpensive it requires a survey and pay abogado. notory. Some other expenses.

About land values in the CR TATF farm areas especially the south pacific farms are well in mid 90s asking prices were about 300 or 400 per acre and now are at least 2000 per acre.

To find actual real sales prices I would have to study the titles some of them we can believe but most are intentionally invented close to zero so that the poor folks will not have to pay property tax.

CR government passed new property tax law a few years ago and came down on properties with I think a 3 percent tax on the lands especially the high value areas Dominical that is close to TATF oldest farm Camp Real.

I think CR government is now appraising these high value properties to crack down on fraud.

In the middle of most of the TATF farms between Palmar de Norte and Sierpe after many years the plans for the international airport have been approved and work is begining so you can imagine how high the land values may go with so many americans and europeans visiting from all over.

It is very unfortunate that CR government and all others behind it are building a airport for big jets ect. because noise pollution tourist pollution and drive the peacefull poor farm communities out bring inflation too.Blight.

So I am sure that land values for TATF and others will continue increase very fast but at the cost of poor CR citizens and there culture as well as the destroyed habitate of unique biosystem unmatched in any other place on earth.
