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01/26/05 11:14 AM

#215 RE: clocktower #214

clocktower, Form 8-k filed with the SEC

On January 20,2005 Quintek Services, Inc. (QSI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quintek Technologies, Inc. (Quintek), entered into a Master Services Agreement (MSA) with FedEx-Kinko's Office and Print Services, Inc., a $28 billion global provider of transportation, e-commerce and supply chain management services, under which QSI shall provide FedEx-Kinko's client, a large biotechnology company, with document scanning services, in scope and amount estimated to be $500,000 with an annual minimum of $184,000. The term of the MSA will be continuous as long as the term of agreement between FedEx-Kinko's and the end user of QSI's services, the large biotechnology company. FedEx Kinko's may terminate the MSA within sixty days written notice.


Clocktower is that what you posted about on 1-20-2005?

That filing wasn't public as far as I understand until 1-24-2005 & it wasn't a news release unless you were watching the ticker QTEK. The filing does show that well known companies are using QSI, which I think is good for us stock holders.

I have been looking over and a lot of info about the company is on the website. It looks like the company is better positioned now than they have ever been.