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06/27/10 12:21 AM

#5310 RE: The New TIV #5309

Thanks for posting that information The New TIV! I sure hope nothing bad happens (like the Index funds not being required to buy TIV shares this time around) between now and the date the Russel Index funds need to buy shares. Maybe we'll get lucky and it will create some needed interest in our company, other than what will be bought by the Russel Index funds if in fact that happens, and the share price will go back to $1.50, or even higher with a well timed (well worded?) PR?

Here's to having TIV build shareholder value by being included again on the Russel.



10/26/10 6:58 AM

#5498 RE: The New TIV #5309

TIV down over 20% since addition to Russell

I guess one of these days everyone will learn that TIV getting on the Russell again is only good for a very few and very connected investing entities ... or the TIV-savvy trader who has been watching them objectively for years.

Russell-addition day was just one more little plateau that held briefly before TIV continued down to it's lowest PPS in years, what was that, fifty one cents a share?

Looks like these guys are the only Russell related entity that got stuck buying a significant number of shares? I could be wrong, perhaps others did who have not reported.

ISHARES Russell Micro Cap (TM) Index Fund

Over 80,000 shares and I do believe they would be down now.

Oh yeah, way down, TIV was around a buck then.

That's the kind of fund that HAS to buy companies on the relevant Russell index. How many of those companies have been burned, and burned badly, over the last few years? Dare we say ... all of them?

The shorts probably benefit the most from TIV's Russell flip flops, with an opportunity to short or cover a good number of shares at nearly fixed/prearranged prices. They sure have taken advantage of it in the past, and I imagine they continue to.

