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06/25/10 7:39 AM

#129482 RE: tommmm #129477

Great DD my friend. And sure as heel I won't forget to sell after the divvy's in the bank.


06/25/10 7:39 AM

#129483 RE: tommmm #129477

Wrong. The float here is 74 billion shares. You are off by a factor of 7.

The company stated that they won't change the sharestructure before and during the sale of the properties. They took down the AS from 5 trillion to about 87 billion. But only about 9 billion are in the free float.

parrot head

06/25/10 8:47 AM

#129493 RE: tommmm #129477

You're very new here. FFGO, the promises.


06/25/10 9:28 AM

#129535 RE: tommmm #129477

This is a win, win, win?? Fluff list.

"The Company has decided that no further Press Releases, Regulatory Filings nor updates of any nature are required." 6/24/10

"..the Sale and Purchase Agreement in respect of the sale of our Gold interests is now completed and is at this time, awaiting final execution by the Purchaser." 6/24/10

"It is aggressively moving forward to complete the conditions precedent required to close the transaction and I cannot tell you it is a matter of days, but I will say confidently that it is a matter of weeks at most, and not months." Goldberg 6/21/10

"The Company has made it clear that these interests are being sold and the entire proceeds being distributed to its stockholders." 6/16/10

"This "Caveat Emptor" Label imposed by the Pink OTC Markets has absolutely no effect whatsoever in respect of our stated intentions which at this time, are nearing their final conclusion. After careful consideration, we regard this development as being of no consequence to our stockholders." 6/8/10

"The sale of the Company's Gold Interests is now a "done deal." 6/2/10

"FFGO can confirm that it expects to finally be in a position to announce further and more final detailsof the sale of its Gold Interests fairly shortly. 6/2/10

"the minor delay caused by fulfillment of conditions precedent in the consummation of our sale of gold assets, has worked out to the advantage of our investors." 5/24/10

"The Company's Management confirms that these transactions will complete and that the final conditions precedents are mere formalities." 5/6/10

"... it is unlikely that the Company will need to provide any further notice to stockholders." 5/5/10

"The Company confirms that the transactions to close the sale of its Gold interests remain unchanged and will close imminently; that is before April 30, 2010 at the latest." 4/13/10

"The Company is confident that this issue can be resolved and without any further or unnecessary delays" 3/18/10

"Management in a position to pledge the swift closure of these sales of the Gold Interests; and now for the first time based upon a strong sound financial security solely based upon last minute and crucial financial support for the Company" 3/3/10

"Management does not expect that these negotiations are likely to be protracted as all parties are committed to the consummation of these transactions" 1/5/10

"If these revised terms are accepted by the party that has made the Offer, this week, the Company will not be issuing any further updates; just the announcement and the Regulatory Filing in respect of the transaction" 12/21/09

"The Company's Management remains confident that an agreement may well be reached between all of the parties and that this transaction can be concluded before the end of this month." 12/21/09

"The Company's Management and their Advisors remain optimistic that this transaction can be concluded before the end of this month" 12/16/09

"Your Company’s Management (and its Advisors) promise you that we believe that we have learned from our past mistakes, particularly on delivery of our promises, the old adage “He who fails to learn from history, is condemned to relive it”; seems to apply to us right now." 11/29/09