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Replies to #27543 on One Step Ahead
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01/19/05 4:06 PM

#27549 RE: Bo14172 #27543 for the upcoming game....agree with your analysis. NE is a very, very special team. It is amazing that Bill Belichek (sic) has always been regarded as Bill Parcells' protege. Well, little Bill has now accomplished more than big Bill.

I do have eyes in back of my head since the SSWH debacle...I look at CMKX as something potentially "over the rainbow".

Hope your son and daughter continue to do well!

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01/19/05 4:20 PM

#27551 RE: Bo14172 #27543

Hey buddy...long time no talk. Congrats once again on your steelers. They are very much like the packers in that they are a hard nosed football team that you should never bet against because they will always give it 110% and play football the way it was meant to be played. Nose to the grind stone and muscle out each and every yard. Bettis and Big Ben are perfect examples of that. While watching Ben this weekend, he reminded me a lot of Jim Kelly from the Bills back in the day. He would take a shot and then just get right back up. He is going to be around for a long time and the steelers will make him a franchise player. Good luck this weekend. It will be a good game no matter. The pats are good, but you guys have a solid d-fense to stop their offense and bettis and big ben should be able to get a fews TD's for a low scoring victory.

In regards to CMKX, I appreciate the warning about what is said online. I do not get my hopes up no matter what is printed on these boards. I have actually gotten used to waiting. The day the filing comes out, I won't believe it becuz I have gotten so used to waiting for another day. I will need to read it over and over again just to believe it is real. For that reason, I will take everythign I read on this board, no matter who it is from, with a grain of salt. I do not mind waiting, and I know that it is for the better. Urbie and the gang are purchasing more and more claims to get ready for the long haul ahead of us. I am 100% confident we will file and even though we have been waiting and waiting, I will wait as long as it takes. The filing WILL come out and it will be a great reward for us all. Even though this is a stock, we are truly earning our return and when it comes..OH BOY it will be sweet. So as much as I appreciate your concern and fully understand what you are saying about the long waiting period we have been in, I am fully prepared to wait a good amount longer to get the best results we can.

In regards to the 75 bil. retired, the mm's have manipuled this stock through everything we have accomplished. I know we have not had any earth shattering pr's but if you look at them all together you have to say that at least a couple of them should have moved our pps up even if just one tick, but that did not happen. So seeing the mm's manipulate it and hold in down in spite of share retirement does not strike me as odd in any way. They have been playing this game long enough and until we file they will continue to hold the pps down. I also happen to believe the pps is being held down by other factors besides the mm's. As you know, the situation CMKX is in needs to be corrected without harming the integrity of the market and everyone involved ( as much as I would luv to see the mm's pay). So I beleive the price is being held at this level until the entire share structure is fixed. The mm's, sec, dtc, and CMKX all struck a deal to keep it at this price until this is all corrected and ready to go. That will not be the case until we file, so no matter what pr we come out with we will stay at this price until we see a filing. These are of course just my opinions, but ones I strongly beleive.

Just hang in there a little more buddy. I know it has been a long long time, but the rewards will be well worth it. Time is on our side my friend. Take care and good luck.