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06/22/10 1:40 PM

#335 RE: igotyafiguredout #334

So seven months later, no hearing date has been set by CT Banking and there has been no revocation of fine imposed....

This is a report made by CT Banking to FINRA. I saw nothing in the documentation to indicate FINRA has taken the lead with an ongoing investigation.

In any case, the overall case involves Markland and not Eurotech so why are you and Batscam posting non-related infomation on this board?

I trust Belmont to do things which are in the best interest of their core objectives. Marketing shells for use by non-public trading companies is certainly not illegal. I also understand that Belmont principals will not release non-public information to folks like myself making inquiries. IMO, at some point, not necessarily in imminent time frame, Belmont will make necessary information filings to the SEC on behalf of Eurotech.

Thanks for your response to my question exxcept that you provided no basis for your opinion on Belmont...