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06/22/10 1:35 PM

#185350 RE: LC-GATOR #185340

Hey LC long time no see, you here looking to pick up some ETNL shares? Lot of good stuff going on now with some guaranteed revenues coming in from Matthews starting in the third quarter and the company starting up a new division that will be handling candles and prayerbooks worldwide which should bring in repeatable revenues.

I would hate to see you be left on the sidelines when this finally reaches the potential that has exisisted for years but was slowed by the economic collapse which made it pretty hard to get financing from conventional sources.



06/22/10 2:08 PM

#185354 RE: LC-GATOR #185340

"The company has spent over $22,000,000 (Of shareholders money)"

LC, have YOU checked the filings? Please note the following quote taken directly from the 2009 10-K. This section is a running tally of money raised from sale of stock plus Notes since 2006.

Would you like to tell this board where you got $22 million from?

Liquidity and Capital Resources

We have financed operations and internal growth since our reverse merger in February 2006 through the private placement of equity securities and promissory notes, [color=red]and as of December 31, 2009, have received gross proceeds of $3,549,012 from those sources since that time. [/color]


06/22/10 6:33 PM

#185365 RE: LC-GATOR #185340

They promised the world and delivered nothing. There should be a law against such BS. [color=red]The company has spent over $22,000,000 (Of shareholders money, check the filings and you will see)over the past few years[/color] and delivered nothing in return.

LC I am sure that you would not have posted that the 22 million was SHAREHOLDER MONEY if you were not able to back that statement with documentation would you? Well here is your chance to produce documents stating that this was all shareholder money or what percentage came from the shareholders.

Long term shareholders like myself would be very interested in seeing PROOF POSITIVE this was our money that was spent so as soon as you produce the documents I am sure that many will be more than interested in reading them.

Delivered nothing in return?

Has the company had revenue? Yes
Has the company had products out in the open market? Yes
Has the company secured agreements to have products made? Yes
Has the company opened a new division that will be another revenue source? Yes
Has the company recently signed an agreement with the number 2 funeray company Matthews inc that will provide guranteed income for at least the next two years? Yes

Has the company secured new licenses since inception? Yes

You might ask why this is proof of the company delivering something and I will answer by saying that this is what EI is.
Some have a bit of a rough time realizing EXACTLY what business EI is in. Eternal Image is not a funeral company, Eternal Image is not a manufacturing company, Eternal Image is also not a distribution company.

If Eternal Image has delivered license agreements then that is what they are supposed to do. That is what licencing companies do, that is their business model.
