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06/19/10 6:23 PM

#146775 RE: emeraldcityking09 #146759

Thank you for a really balanced well written post.
Your post should be added to the IBOX
Dean Bradley should throw away his pom poms and only issue a pr when the money is actually sitting in the bank.
He has been over promising and under delivering on a weekly /monthly basis.
I really do feel sorry for the people who bought at .025
Just the Knowledge of Newby being the main man as regards finance was the red flag many chose to ignore.

I fear when Dean issues a pr of yet more delays .0058 will be tested.

In my very honest opinion


06/19/10 6:32 PM

#146779 RE: emeraldcityking09 #146759

You and I have talked and I stand by "I know what I own and I trust my DD". Just because you do not know every detail I know or that others have gathered, does not make that claim false. I have stated repeatedly that there are NO GUARANTEES here or anywhere. But I am here because I know what I own, not because I am guessing. I have talked to everyone involved and have ZERO doubts they believe they can pull this off. Again, that does not GUARANTEE success, but it does give me reason to believe in my DD.

So, we all have a decision to make. Good luck with yours!