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06/18/10 1:25 PM

#1133 RE: Greg_Van #1129

Well Dude maybe you should take your 'Bullish' head out of your ass once in a while. You claim to have a MBA and like to talk down to people on this board. Well your MBA is about as useful as Male-Body-Odor on the stock market floor. You are a troll of the company and know quite well that this POS was pumped earlier this year by shady institutions who were well paid imo. Then the great dump from the 40's to now, and all this time you have been pitching this as the greatest investment ever. A lot of innocents followed your advice all the way down and are now left holding the bag. Of course you are the biggest bagholder of them all accumulating over 3 million shares of this worthless fantasy. All you are trying to do with your constant pumping is offload your shares on new investors. At this point in the game you would be happy to break even. Unfortunately for you it is sitting at a 52 week low and is going lower over the coming weeks imo. The officers bailed one after the other when they found out that there was little of substance going on in this company imo. When they start to sell their shares you will be an even bigger bagholder than before. Buyer beware.