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06/16/10 7:33 PM

#136461 RE: extra #136459

WOW!! What a whole lot of totally worthless words to say absolutely nothing of any real value. Oh well - as they say - venting is emotionally good for you.
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06/16/10 7:38 PM

#136462 RE: extra #136459

WOW! I must sell all my shares now. I will save your post as a reminder not to ever invest in a company that has a great product and a human being for a CEO that I admire and respect. Have you had dinner yet? I have an extra balowme sandwich if you're hungry.

IOO, wnbd Must Reverse Split ,,,
Several Times , or go BK , just like 99+% of all pinks ;
Before wnbd ever shows a profit that is sufficient to
slow the exponentially growing bath in Common Shareholder

According to the never-changing [and Totally UNscheduled]
wnbd bizniz 'plan' , the [3+ year old , and only , ever]
wnbd CEO Expects wnbd to Just Keep Burning More New Cash
[obtained via toxic dilution of ONLY Common Shareholders] ,
UNTIL wnbd SALES EXCEED ~$27,500,000 , [which is the middle
of his 'Self-Sustaining Phase' = 'Phase #4' = $5-$50 M sales] .

THAT'S ~50 TIMES wnbd's Current Annual Sales of ~$0.5 Mil ! ;
Which already took over 3 years to 'achieve' ; after supposedly
'saturating' retail Canada for 1 year ; with an UNpatented
banana-soap product ; that was fully 'developed' 10+ years ago .

The original developer probably [IOO] sold More soap than wnbd ,
in order to barely survive during their pre-wnbd 10+ years of
salary-paying , Without Quite-Going BK , + WITHOUT Being Able
To Keep Massively DILUTING Their Common Shareholders ,
because Niagra Was NOT a public company , pink or grey .

Anyway ; Since the birth of pink wnbd , 3+ years ago , when
the new + inexperienced wnbd CEO [per Real + Independent DD] ,
Reverse-Merged Niagra into a Totally UNrelated , and also
previously BK foreign pink shell [Global eTouter] ;
the wnbd Common shareholders , [ONLY] ,
have Already Been DILUTED BY OVER 6X ,
OWN MORE THAN 51% OF ALL VOTES [currently ~75%] ,
and can 'vote' themselves more , all by themselves ,
anytime [= just before] wnbd has to over-dilute their
commons to nearly 2.5 Billion common shares .

IOO , the reversi will apply to commons ONLY , right after
they exceed 2.25 Billion , to reduce their 'votes' [+ 'share'
of wnbd] back down to under 10% , while the Insider 'Preferreds'
retain their 2.5 Billion Convertible + Never-Diluted Real Votes .

Meanwhile ; Back in Barrie , the Insiders burn $3 in new cash ,
for every $1 in new 'sales' ; And , they even keep hiring
new 'execs' + 'Ambassadors' + 'Partners' + 'advertisers' ,
and 'distributers' ; ALL OF WHOM GET PAID IN CASH , PLUS
[until wnbd runs out of enough new common share buyers ,
and must revert back into its original BK foreign pink shell] .

By the way ;
If wnbd is ever 'sold' , via an Insider-ONLY super-'vote' ;
ALL of the final outsider wnbd common shareholders
will get to share $zero , because they get paid Absolutely LAST,

That's why day-trading shorters [including MM's + off-shores]
consider winwing brands to be a riskless win-win ; as they
bank 50+% cash profits right after each ~monthly wnbd bounce ;
while the trading range of wnbd common drifts ever-lower ,
at ~50% yearly , [for All 3+ years , since wnbd's pink birth] ;
towards the eventual $zero for the last-remaining common pink
sharebag holders , due to wnbd BK and/or an Insider 'sale' vote .

The best thing about wnbd [for shorters] is wnbd's unusually
long pink life ; which keeps multiplying shorters profits ,
as long as enough more brand-new common shares are bought ,
and held tightly , during ~monthly averaging down times.

The only expected 'tipping point' for wnbd , [IOO] , is :
right after the first few biggest common outsiders eventually
start bailing out of their obviously way-over-loaded boats .
When it starts , the first wave of the averaging-out floatilla
will probably [IOO] sink the stragglers by ~90% within 1 week .

IOO , their probable/best time is right before the next 1 or 2
expected wnbd financials ; which Will Be UNauditted , and Totally
UNverifiable , and INcomplete wrt critical details about wnbd's
toxic loans + debts + convertibles + 'Preferreds' .

Most already expect Q2 to be wnbd's biggest ever cash burner ,
because the June DiRTV is just a 'tune-up test' ; But ,
there will probably not be enough 'good-enough' excuses for the
expcted-to-be [IOO] even worse wnbd Q3 financials ; which will
be due by Mid Nov 2010 ; and if 'late' , [or never 'filed' ,
due to the expected] , the shorters will be celebrating another ,
and their best-ever , wnbd Tanksgiving pay-off , from the
play-off scrimmage between the Scramblers vs the Stragglers .

P. S. ; When evaluating ANY PUBLIC COMPANY ,
For wnnd , [IOO , based on Real + Independently Verified DD] ,
wnbd's Fully-Diluted Share Structure [which is permanently
fogged behind a gagged TA , of a foreign pinky , with Only
Incomplete + Never Verifiable Info] , Guarantees That :

All wnbd common outsider pink shareholders , combined ,
will Never own any part of wnbd , if it is ever Really worth
any more than its debts , [to Real Investors , who ALWAYS
Require Real + Complete + Independently Verifiable DD Facts] .

As of now , Real Investors consider wnbd to be Really/Actually
worth less than $zero , [like All pinkys] ; especially when
Non-US , [like wnbd] ; but still useful for day-trading ,
especially shorting ; usually off-shore by US-based retailers ,
or hedge funds , often nakedly + unreported , because off-shore
naked trades can't be counted ; and nobody ever even cares ;

Including the US SEC , since they ALWAYS , FOR 20+ YEARS ,
Have Strongly Advised Against unvesting in ALL Pink 'companies' ,
and even Against ALL Deficiently Reporting Real Companies ,
on their own SECdotGOV website .

P.P.S. ; The reported daily shorts for wnbd are ~All from
MM's , And Totally Legal , because JOB #1 for All MM's is
To 'Make A Market' , by 'balancing' buyers + sellers ,
including personally short selling , even legally 'nakedly' ;
because their shorts are Not even reported [legally] unless
they are Not 'Covered' within 3 trading days ; which is easy ,
if 'covered' on Day #2 , and re-shorted on "Day #3" , which
is then re-'counted' as a brand-new Day #1 .

GLTA ; Since we all still agree , + cheer , + hope ;
that wnbd Keeps Going , + gooing , + cleaning up ,
for MM's + Insiders + Real DD'ers [day-traders + shorters] ;
who are currently sharing over $10 Mil in cashed-out profits .

Extra , Sinsearly , As Always .
With hopes for as many more daze
as possible , for wnbd to barely
keep floating in their pink sea ,
vs the Bold Dawn Tides . Cheers .

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06/16/10 7:50 PM

#136464 RE: extra #136459

I'm wondering if you've even looked at the quarterly financials? The company doesn't need to make 27 million dollars to be profitable, more like 4-5 million. That's why the "self sustaining phase" starts at 5 million. They have about 1.5 million in operating costs per year and 2.5 million in debt/loans.

Why would the company need to reverse split? They've only issued 1.5 billion shares out of 4 billion authorized.

The CEO has stated many times he would only reverse-split if they were going to up-list to fulfill certain exchanges requirements.

IMO, nobody is shorting WNBD except for MM's occasionally to meet liquidity demands. Shorting a pink stock is probably the dumbest thing an investor could do. *edit* I see that you've noted this...
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06/16/10 10:17 PM

#136487 RE: extra #136459

Is this still a good short @ .003 Extra? lol

Is it still "guaranteed" to drop back to triple zeros?

How about those PFD share, do they equate to many billions of "super toxic" dilution still?... oh yeah, thats right , you only used that line until you were proven wrong... like most of your claims.

You put so much effort in these BS posts, only to see it base higher and higher with reducing dilution. Sorry