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06/15/10 8:19 AM

#23053 RE: EnixStorm #22937

no if it rises steadily everyday and holds then thats not a spike. if you buy in at 9 (which i just picked out of the air) because it has been trading there then that is the same as buying it at 1 when it was steadily trading there. That was the value at the time and not on a one day spike. if it drops than longs who were in since 1 see it as a spike and don't care cause there not losing, anything above 1 is a gain, but the guy at 9 has lost money as it is not there anymore and the price is down. no matter how you look at it its a loss even though you still have the shares you will never get the money unless it goes all the way back to where you bought then goes higher. Bottom line is this was trading at good steady levels for a bit but everyone who got in is getting burned now. I'm in at 004 and really don't care as I am not stupid enough to invest more than 5 g's in a single penny stock. I'd rather go to vegas. as far as quick easy profits this is the easyiest stock to play and predict as we all no when there is potential news this stock goes the wrong direction when it is realeased. and it time to buy then wait till it goes up afew tics sell and wait for more news. this stock is backwards for what ever reason and if you don't think so than your crazy. ps sorry this is so long!