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06/13/10 6:08 AM

#16804 RE: 3-Stooges-Nyuk-Nyuk-Nyuk #16801

All jokes aside some DD on Go Green...

Cell Phone recycling + Go Green bussines model...

1st. In 1 tone of cell phones you get 1 KG of silver and 300g of gold. Average weight of a cell phones is aprox. 0.0136 kg that would represent 73 530 cell phones and is equivalent of 1 tone.

2nd. That means by recycling 1 tone or 73 530 cell phones you make just on silver and gold around 1kg silver X 584$= 584$, and 300g X 40$ = 12000$ around 12600$ together not counting other metals in cell phones and bateries and LCD s and Plastic that can be reused..

3rd. Here is the fun part... In one of UWRL s PR s there was a statement: Our mission at Go-Green Electronic Recycling is to reduce the waste and pollution by recycling and reusing our everyday electronics! Every day Americans throw out more than 350,000 cell phones and 130,000 laptop computers, making electronic waste the fastest-growing part of the U.S. garbage waste stream. In 2007, the U.S. produced more than 2.25 million tons of e-waste, TVs, Computer products, and Cell Phones. The EPA estimates that more than 235 million pieces were (stored) stockpiled in the United States in 2007. For cell phones, their average life span is 12 to 18 months and the EPA estimates more than 1 billion cell phones will be sold in 2009. Help us help you, be part of the solution and recycle your e-waste today!

So if we concentrate on that 2.25 million tons a year...Let s say half of that is cell phones so around 1.12 million tones... Let s assume Go Green gets 10 % of this market wich is conservative projection and gives us 112.000 tons per year...

112.000 tons X 12.600$ per ton = 14.112,000,00$

Nice revenues for a start up company...

4. Bussines model

Based in Clearwater, Florida (incorporated in Delaware), Go Green Electronic Recycling (GGER) started in Western New York in 2008. The company established a successful business model of collecting used electronic equipment, with the goal to repair and/or scrap these electronics and resell either as functional electronics on foreign markets or as scrap (metal, plastic, etc.). The company's main collection efforts right now are cell phones.

The company plans to expand their collection business model across North America, focusing on used cell phones collection. To drive the collection efforts, GGER partners with local charities, paying the charities a percentage of the generated revenues. The company also donates a portion of their revenues to Feeding America, and help to feed the 16 million hungry children in the US. If any of the public is interested in participating the company's worthy causes, they can contact the company to send them a donation box for collection.

GGER currently replicates the successful Western New York business model in Central Florida, and the company is in the revenue producing stage. Go Green actively searches for a larger location which will allow to process cell phones and other electronic equipment.

The followers of UWRL can now review the GGER's Florida offices and public collection boxes on UWRL website.

So in other word s they have no exspenses with collction of cell phones... they are geting their silver and gold for free...Well that is better than any mining company outthere.

All i can say is GO GO GO GO GREEN AND GO UWRL...
