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06/12/10 2:26 AM

#17947 RE: MamamaMuley #17946

What you don't realize is that Dog is really Terry Dixon in disguise. He used the articulus to travel to the year 2011 were he took pictures of the revenues that Pow is getting. Thats right 2011. When you have a time machine anything is possible LMAO
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06/12/10 4:15 PM

#17950 RE: MamamaMuley #17946

Sorry MM. Until technology perfects itself an afternoon of telephone calls dont come with links, but I understand your inquisitiveness. Each quarter (or on an as needed basis) I call one Celadon partner, one officer at POWN and recently Collins Stewart. I add to my contact list when new players come aboard. Really, anyone can do this. I just happen to do well over the phone and have a securities background. If I probe too deeply they tell me and I back off, but aways it is evident to the other party we are on the same team with the same goals. I always close with an expression of gratitude and I ask if they would be open to another call down the line. I also send an email the next day if I enjoyed the call thanking them for being generous with their time. I dont have a tape recorder going and there are no links to refer so you're going to have to trust. I do tell three other investors who email with me (one or two post) days before my quarterly calls to see if they want to furnish me with questions of their own.

I have felt relieved all day today after the recent calls for a variety of reasons. I will be posting them. If the posts aid in your formulating your own POWN opinions and strategies, great. If you dont find them of value...well thats what makes markets...people have differing perceptions. Since I am limited on # of posts I can initiate on this board, correspondence will be difficult. So sometimes I start right with my conclusion. Its fast and simple. If someone posts something and I dont respond it doesnt mean I didnt read it or that I have no reply. Just being judicious. On Sunday I'll post a neat observation I made which the Celadon partner validated for me.

The upshot is Celadon has things well in hand, their relationship with Stan and POWN is close, there is a broad-based plan for the stock and I am encouraged by the truthfulness and integity I read in the players I have met. Integrity in a pink sheet stock? In this case-yes. The next test will be their adeptness at executing the game plan. I have looked into their successes in the recent past to see if POWN is a fit. I am getting sold on Celadon. The partner impresses me. And Celadon did not bring aboard Collins Stewart but they are favorable to the new face. Institutional friend, not foe. I think they start this train just a few weeks out. There's a time frame for things and there's no sense getting overly frustrated because the stock is not where I will it to be. Reality is we are no longer in charge of the share price. The game has recently changed. I'll be happy to let them do their thing. IMO, today's price in NO WAY reflects where POWN will trade in terms of daily liquidity and share price after it graduates the pink sheets. I am enthused again. And I didnt think that was possible after watching 80K get wiped out in the last seven weeks. But I am enthused. I'd put more to work in the low-mid $.30's if margin was an option. I think the current market is free money. We're sitting on a home run. Before yesterday I found myself questioning it.