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06/11/10 2:52 PM

#10160 RE: Whatisvalue #10156

WIV: Thanks for your quick reply. That is how I would have expected it to work, but did not know. I know that several on this board have said they would sell at 10.00 per share, but that was dream-world fantasy thinking, without any real financials to calculate from. I am certain that most would sell much lower. I haven't actually thought about what my "sell-out" price would be. I have taken out enough of my profit that I don't actually have any money of my own invested in the company...whatever happens is gain. I do, however, think that the potential is huge. I am assuming that management has a solid business plan...we just haven't seen it. I agree with you. I would like to know. For now, I am satisfied to wait just a little longer.
Keep asking questions,
they don't bother me!

Best regards,

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06/11/10 5:47 PM

#10169 RE: Whatisvalue #10156

well from what you say in your post wich makes a lot of sense, & this is a 100 billion dollar industry so they say, its not a matter of what the company is worth its what the technology is worth to the interested party & the world, what this technology will bring to the interested party $$$ value once they buy out Medizone, they will try to get it as cheap as possible wich makes sense like any buyer would but like I said what is it really worth,,,,,,think about Steris corp, wich is one of our competitors, that should give you an answer & to point out that Asepticsure is by far a way better technology that is much more effective & the cost is less & also you have to take into consideration the bioterrorism part of it too, Steris corp doesn't even come close to that,,,,, so to me my honest opinion were my price would be no less than 35.00.............some people might laugh at this price but to me its a realistic one taking into consideration what I have pointed out & the revenues that this interested party will make of our technology & also that is patent protected in 192 countries.

Now the ones that are saying that our very smart CEO needs to be replaced or needs to go a different route for whatever reason that is, I tell you this, Ed Marshall is a very very smart man cause he is making Medizone very very attractive to whoever would be buying us out, G8 summit so that it is known worldwide, international patent security protection & a technology for sterilization unheard of in the world,,,,,,one of Warne Buffets criteria in investing is that to make sure that a company has a moat around it meaning that no one can touch it, the competitors can even come close to it, it is something on its own, it is protected, NOW WHAT IS MEDIZONE WORTH TO YOU & TO THE WORLD, to me 35.00 is very very cheap price, just look at the company Monqueuil (I think thats how its spelled) some of the longs know wich company I'm talking about & they are trading in the low to mid 200.00 range & they are a sterilization company.

Ed Marshall is a very smart man that does care about his shareholders & if it was all about the money with him, this company wouldn't of came this far & I have a lot of faith in this man that he will not sell us out short, he will protect us & making sure that if he does sell that his shareholders will benefit big times, he knows that if it wasn't for us shareholders there wouldn't be no Medizone but its up to us to recongnize that & to see the good that this man is doing to us all instead of bashing him
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06/13/10 1:29 AM

#10183 RE: Whatisvalue #10156

W-i-V, your thoughts are interesting about the possibilities of a takeover.

I'd like to comment on one point that you made, which I think isn't accurate. Let me preface this by saying that what I'm about to say is pure conjecture, although it is based on impressions that I've picked up over the years from discussions, both with Ed and other seasoned shareholders.

You wrote at the beginning that "Given Ed's desire to lead the company, I don't think a friendly takeover will happen soon. To me the risk is an unfriendly takeover". So understandably, the rest of your analysis focuses on the risks to us of a hostile takeover.

My impression is that Ed would be comfortable seeing someone else taking over, IF he was confident that the goals toward which he has given so much will be taken seriously. He fought tenaciously over the years to hold on to the reins, because he was not convinced that others would have what he considered to be the best interests of either the science, or the shareholders (or both) at heart.

So personally I think the prospect for some kind of friendly takeover or merger are actually very strong. Seems to me that Ed is exhausted from the long years of struggling, and as long as he would see things developing in a positive way, he'd be glad to have others shoulder the burden.

Again, this is all my opinion, and in no way should be taken as necessarily Ed's or Medizone's position.