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06/22/10 9:32 AM

#996 RE: fox342 #995

understand it, the SEC doesn't have enough resources to combat more than a small portion of the fraud out there.
I would suggest that the SEC has unofficialy adopted a policy
of cherry picking cases because of their overwhelmingly target rich environment. Cherry picking also means you don't have to get dirty. A tangled mess in the pink sheets like John D Stanton gang would be tough to unravel because Stanton makes it that way.
I would also suggest that the SEC is a failed government agency and nobody knows that better than the people that work there.
And yet many crimes commited by the John D Stanton gang should have been easy to prosecute.
I believe Alex Edwards was ordered by the SEC not to be involved in public companies in certain capacities and yet he was CEO of NNBP just last year and stole millions.

Stanton and Steve Gurba stealing 401k, pension funds, health insurance payments, Federal COBRA payments from Bulova employees that's not enough?

Rivera's little swindle of Greenbelt obvious RICO stuff.

Stanton and Broes selling 8 million doses of illegal prescrition
paimeds early 2007 not easy enough for you? The DEA stopped them but nobody prosecuted them, see United Prescriptions.

Of course the embaressing Palm Oil deal where John H Rivera took his scam global.

The facts are these people are treated differently than other
How would you feel if you called the police about a stranger in your house and they answered with "wow we're real busy right now a couple of armed robberies you know important stuff.
Sorry maam we only have the resources to cover half the crime tonight. besides we need to have concrete evidence of what he is doing in your house before we can send out an officer.
Did he shoot anyone?"
The point is if my local police department answered my calls for help in such a manner I would have no problem dealing with the intruder anyway I see fit.
If this happened it would be the definition of a failed Agency.
Anarchy, just like the pink sheets and the SEC....