You must have missed all of the websites out there with Kim Kardashian promoting Bravada, or the fact that she has discussed developing an exclusive Kim K. line for Bravada.
i hear kk talk about bravada every time i replay the video interviews of her bragging on the bravada line. i see her smiling face and her quotes about bravada every time i go to the website. i also know there's a bravada / kardashian clothing line in the works bravada will own and you can be sure that will be well promoted when it's done.
what we need celebrities for is to continue to bring the national media attention to bravada which is definitely happening and is now snowballing with events like today
it's unrealistic to expect kk to talk about bravada every time she opens her mouth. she doesn't talk about shoedazzle her own company every time she's promoting her perfume for instance. people know well of her sponsorship of bravada at this point as evidenced by how many celebrities are attending tonight after seeing kim at the last media event and also all the articles written about bravada and the new store referring to bravada as the clothing line kim kardashian prefers.
she lives what she says and has been seen and photographed many times around hollywood, etc. wearing the bravada clothing line and that speaks VOLUMES