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06/10/10 1:31 AM

#100032 RE: F6 #100031

LOL .. you picked the most bizarre one ..

We are a Southern Gospel quartet dedicated to
bringing the message of Jesus Christ to a lost and
dying world through music and testimony.

We do not teach doctrine, but we will tell you that
Jesus, God's one and only Son, born of a virgin,
lived His life healing the sick and raising the dead.
He was accused of crimes that He did not commit,
was crucified on a cross, died, and was laid in a
borrowed tomb. He rose from the dead three days
later that we might have eternal life through the
shedding of His blood. Someday He is coming
back for His Church to take all those who serve Him

Chuckle .. isn't that just unreal .. now, i love food, so, though these ..

are not good food, at least, unlike the top myth, the snags are real ..

hahaha .. have to .. btw .. when i go to some other political boards there is often a going to 'top right' thought ..

there are some weird ones ..

Alex G

06/10/10 1:40 AM

#100033 RE: F6 #100031

Squeamish congressman undermines American strength, security

Rachel Maddow talks with Congressman Joe Sestak about new revelations that Congressman Ike Skelton, chair of the House Armed Services Committee, opposes the repeal of 'Don't ask, don't tell' because talking about gay people makes him uncomfortable.

oh no! coodies!!

Lawmaker worries about national discussion of gays
By ANNE FLAHERTY (AP) – 1 day ago
WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday said he thinks the military should keep its ban on openly gay service members in part because he doesn't want to open a national discussion about homosexuality.

Rep. Ike Skelton, a conservative Missouri Democrat, said he thinks the debate in Congress over the proposed repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law might force families to explain homosexuality to their children.

"What do mommies and daddies say to their 7-year-old child?" Skelton asked reporters during a media breakfast.

Gay rights groups argue that the United States is much more comfortable talking about homosexuality than in the past.

The House voted 234-194 last month to overturn the 17-year-old law. Skelton was among the 26 Democrats who joined 168 Republicans in opposing the bill.

Skelton told reporters that no one in his district has raised the issue with him, but he says he still doesn't think the discussion is family-friendly enough.

"My biggest concern are the families," he said.

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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