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06/09/10 4:51 PM

#65778 RE: stoinky #65777

No one arguing the point with you..........

75% of the time shareholder get cancelled in BR. Only 25% of time does shareholders recover part of their stake.

Just wishing to point out that one in four odds are pretty darned good given the circumstances. I've won before in life with far worse odds than that. And I might add, I've lost with better odds. LOL

Yes, we may be done for. Clearly! But, we are not done for yet and will not be until the final decisions are handed down by the court. That's fact. Everyone here likes facts and that is a fact.........

On the chance that any of what was said in the conference call, any suggestions that common share holders MAY BE at least partially saved, I'd not jump to any premature conclusions. Hope lives as long as there is the slightest strand of hope. Just my way of living and my view of fact. IMO

Yes, we have been deceived, apparently blatantly lied too and deceived, provided with wild ambiguities in press releases and finally an assortment of some convenient truths right before BK was declared. Yes, yes, yes to all these things and much more. The pattern is clearly laid out historically on the internet with a pattern of angry posts and broken promises.

And we have little reason to believe that this BK will proceed with any greater degree of integrity or transparency than what the management and the BOD have thus far accorded shareholders. The whole lot of them are culpable! In light of the culture of deception and perhaps larceny, all stakeholders have been subjected too, frankly, quite honestly, I also see no reason to believe any of what we were told in the conference call.

I trust that the judge may rule fairly according to the evidence provided and the laws to be enforced. I cast no aspersions in regards to the integrity of the court nor the Honorable Judge. But evidence provided is key to the results here.

Now I realize that some here just figured that I might possibly be a little too much on the positive side, a little touched for my view of the potential positive side rather than wallowing in the negativity. While that may be your choice, it does not reflect my tenuous position with this investment. I remain today, as in the past, hopeful that better sense and integrity will prevail. This is in fact that last time that Copper King Mining management might possibly rise to an all encompassing level of integrity, which might change the course of the company history. This is it! The blight of history can be changed forever or cast in stone with this bankruptcy outcome.

On the chance, the suspected negative outcome, that shareholders are again duped and deceived and consequently ripped off, no one in the territory will live longer than the reputation. Those who profit from such larceny will not be forgotten nor forgiven and will themselves be a symbol of the blight they have brought on their communities. They can always move away, but their stench will remain. This also is a fact and it is a very heavy cloud hanging over CPRK management, the court, Milford as a town and community, Beaver County and the great State of Utah.

Balderdash you say. Of no consequence, no benefit, no saving grace! And you would be most certainly correct. And therein lies the problem. Not a problem for most of us as we live far away from ground zero and are most likely not personally involved aside from buying shares of stock on the internet. But for those who are citizens of the area and who have friends and family living in the communities, which would have benefited from a properly run mining operation, while perhaps not devastating, this is or may be a very serious and important blow to both the economics and the social fabric.

As a small investor, possibly about to lose the last of my retirement $25k investment, while this will hurt me, my cost is not so great as what Milford may face. Not even close.

So bicker and bash and trash as you wish, if you wish. Scream and yell and carry on as your feelings and intellect demand and as you reflect on your considerable losses. The fact remains that this drama is not done until the courts decide. There is still the chance that shareholders may be heard and that CPRK management may change the expected course of history.

One and four odds can be pretty darned good...........



06/09/10 6:30 PM

#65782 RE: stoinky #65777

The key question is to ask why did the 25% not get cancelled and does our situation fit more closely with the 25% or the 75%?

I suspect a thorough study of previous BKs would indicate that shareholders most often survive only when there are undervalued assets AND a willingness on the part of the creditors to take less than a full loaf. I believe both to be the case with cprkq.



06/09/10 7:00 PM

#65784 RE: stoinky #65777

This case will be the exception...shareholders will be part of the final solution here.