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06/09/10 1:59 PM

#35046 RE: ttmasher #35041

It takes a lot of funding to purchase equipment, have it shipped, and hire someone to operate it. This is a legitimate cost of business. Shares had to be sold to raise funding. While many of us assume that production was down this year...we, myself included, have about 4 weeks before the actual numbers come in.

In a prior post you stated that SGC is not a gold company but rather a dilution operation. I think an hour of dd spent reading past p/r's and f/r's will show you where the money from selling shares went. This company is positioning itself to have adequate equipment for a significant increase in production. I think some of us may have assumed the equipment would be in place this season. Perhaps that was not the plan or something happened that caused a delay. Any reason given is an assumption that may or may not be addressed by the company in a future communication.

In my opinion the lack of updated information caused some of us to invent worst case scenarios and assume the worst. I include myself in this category. Time will tell if our assumptions were right or wrong. In the meantime isn't it wise to take a step back, take a deep breath, and look at all the assets (dredges, wash plants, concessions, personal connections, other equipment, farming operations, CC programs) this little company has amassed. I think the money gained through the sale of shares has provided value to this point. It looks like a nice diversified business is forming here.