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09/03/00 2:36 PM

#45 RE: jcamp #41


on UREC, the charts look good and i do agree that it could have its day soon. but the OBV concerns me just a bit. what is your opinion on the importance of a rising or plateau'd OBV on a stock run? and do you also believe the OBV is a representation of smart money flowing in or out of a stock? 4 out of 5 times the OBV does not lie. but sometimes it does. on a case of rising OBV and stock price failure, something like a RM falling through or a big company contract being lost can knock out the OBV because the insiders can't see it comming. but on the low OBV examples whereas the price increases and breaks out, i just don't understant. i bought TSRG based on every technical EXCEPT the OBV. it was all over the place, and just didn't look like the culmination of smart money. now it does. fortunately, i bought it anyway, before it was confirmed by the OBV. your thoughts?