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Replies to #238080 on Monk's Den


06/09/10 10:14 AM

#238087 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Very nice EX, very nice!


06/09/10 10:15 AM

#238088 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Excellent post exman


06/09/10 10:15 AM

#238089 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Well said sir! I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to help as many as you can here in the Den.


06/09/10 10:18 AM

#238092 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Thanks ExB! Very good explanation and I hope everyone understands now.


06/09/10 10:21 AM

#238099 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Well, that's understandable, that those who paid for the party get first dibs. Just hoping that there's no tiering to the core group, would hate to miss out between San Antonio and whatever advanced class I can swing. Going to the basic I'm managing on my bucks, but anything else needs to be paid for by the markets.


06/09/10 10:24 AM

#238101 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Great post Ex B And so much for retirement! Could I ask you please not to write these messages while driving? I would be ever so grateful so I don't have to worry. I completely agree with all that you said. The fact is that whether anyone got the e-mail or not doesn't make a difference in the scheme of things. These plays are not just a shot in the dark or a flip. They are ones that we buy and hold and buy and hold some more until the inevitable squeeze happens which takes as much as a year or more.

After the first one I will be in a position to help the team in the final inning as you do and some others here and especially Monk. So let's all please get over it and be a Team member! Sometimes that means sitting on the bench and cheering your team members!


06/09/10 10:25 AM

#238106 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Good one sir...


06/09/10 10:28 AM

#238113 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Makes perfect sense to me, thank you for the well thought out explanation. I doubt I will be able to attend a Monkinar anytime in the foreseeable future for numerous reasons, but that won't keep me from being a TEAM believer and player. Have a great day sir, here's to hoping you can get some rest. Later


06/09/10 10:30 AM

#238118 RE: Ex Blockman #238080


Would Obama say that's fair? Just joking lol.

Thanks for all you do.

FDR (Faxedreceipt) :-)


06/09/10 10:30 AM

#238119 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

thanks Ex, well said.. I agree completely. and I'm glad to hear the posts about scamming, etc, will be deleted. there's no place for that kind of nonsense here


06/09/10 10:36 AM

#238131 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Well said - Cheers!


06/09/10 10:43 AM

#238134 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Thanks Ex Blockman. I am one that cant aford to attend a Monkener. However I am greatful for what I can do and what the Team is all about. I will stand by with full support on what ever Monk and the rest of you decied.


06/09/10 10:57 AM

#238135 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Thanks ExB for the informative post and all the time you spend with the group. I did go to the Indy and did not receive an email, and do not care. In the long run a day or two does not matter to me. Just buy and hold and when I can buy some more.

Off to send Mel some money for the Pittsburgh class:)


06/09/10 11:05 AM

#238136 RE: Ex Blockman #238080



06/09/10 11:18 AM

#238147 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Fantastic post!!! Cya in Pitts, can't wait. I want that 1 min chart. 5 min is slow :-), but still fun! 2.2% so far this morning on day 2 of paper trading. Mistakes day, but now up $1000 in 1 day and 1 1/2 hrs of trading.


06/09/10 11:27 AM

#238160 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Thanks Blockman for your time...

Personally, I have no question/problem/ regarding the alert

1. I fully agree that, people who attended the events should have privileges

2. Alert is an alert, means "here is something nice , you can check it out". It doesn't mean "buy or I will shoot you"

What bothered me a lot is the EIGH board. I just can stand people weeeeeing on the way up and blaming on Monk at the down simple as that...

What else people want to blame on Monk? Dow below 10k? or BP oil spill...?


06/09/10 11:39 AM

#238173 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

That was an excellent post and I think you hit the nail squarley on the head! Not a bad hammer swing for a blockman :-)

I recieved that PNTV e mail when it was first sent in April.
What did I do?
I had no interest in the newest FLD when I was still accumulating CDIV and EIGH.I still don't have any interest in it. I've learned quite a bit in my 53 years and one of them is DON"T CHASE ANYTHING!
I let the trade come to me and right now I'm busy in other trades.
Maybe one day I will but not now while other FLDs are more mature and their pots are simmering nicely.
Why would I want to sell my stock in those and start a new pot of FLD stew?

Sad to see all the panties twisted and knotted on the boards.
Makes you realize how many uneducated and coat tail hangers are here who have no clue and no idea of what and why they are here.

You said it very well Mr Ex!


06/09/10 2:00 PM

#238331 RE: Ex Blockman #238080 need to reply to this, but I just want you to know that I think you have hit the nail on the head and Don and I think you ROCK...The personal time and energy that you put into the Den and all of our picks is above and beyond the call of duty...our Den Family is very lucky :-)


06/09/10 3:22 PM

#238422 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

well said EX.

i don't even react on this, because I know I'm not able to attend all FLD's. So I do not understand all the turmoil.

still holding CDIV, EIGH & GRNO.



06/09/10 4:16 PM

#238464 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Good post Ex. I agree! (and I haven't been to a Monkinar yet - but I am :-))


06/09/10 10:25 PM

#238802 RE: Ex Blockman #238080

Thanks Ex for your post.

I do understand what Monk and the Den are doing. Just like any stock, our progress is not a perfectly linear rise. Our success story has as much psychology in it as the market does. The market transfers money from the impatient to the patient. There is also a learning curve associated with addressing the needs, wants, and concerns of so many who want to be part of, and believe in the Den; a Den which is growing by leaps and bounds. To all who enter, be more patient. Monk, Mel, and all the Mods and core members are doing servants work for all of us.

I received an early e-mail. I attended the INDY Monkinar. I will also be attending the Pittsburgh Monkinar. I bought PNTV early. My average PPS is .231. The closing price today is .2395 and dipped as low as .2. For those who haven’t ‘front loaded’ PNTV yet, opportunity in knocking strongly. I hesitate writing this as it does not serve my selfish interests. It will be another week before I have more funds clear.

I have no cheese for the whine on the boards. Soon enough all will see my testimony too. Some here have a testimony which has been seen. I believe that the testimony’s seen here in the I-box is only a fraction of what could be accounted for in the Den. We have all been taken by a system that is not ‘fair and orderly’.

The last couple of days have provided more opportunity to all to invest in their future, and clarity to what has been hidden. Figure it out people.