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06/09/10 7:59 AM

#549 RE: eliaman #548

rather revealing reading ..

Goldman Sachs secret meeting
in Moscow, Russia with the other Paulson June 2008

1. Hank Paulson, the Secretary of the Treasury under President Bush secretly meet with Goldman Sachs board of Directors in Moscow, Russia in June of 2008. Just 3 months before the Wall Street Bail Out and the take out of Goldman Sachs competition Lehman Brothers and Bears and Stearns.
2. July 2007 Up Tick Rule abolished by SEC’s Christopher Cox.
3. July 2007 Russian and American dual citizen Sergey Aleynikov hired by Goldman Sachs as a computer programmer to use secret codes and software.
4. July 2007 and still ongoing, Wall Street corruption gone wild with super fast computers, Naked Short Selling and secret software is used to manipulate Stock prices in decimal places to steal 20% -60% of the wealth off companies and investors.
5. Hank Paulson meets in Moscow June 2008 with Goldman Sachs, months later the financial crisis hits in Sept 2008. Goldman Sachs over the week-end becomes a Bank Holding Company and Hank Paulson speaks to Loyd Blankfein over 2 dozen times during that week.
6. The bailout happens and Goldman Sachs makes out like a bandit. Meanwhile, CNBC is playing Public Relations every day on how great Goldman Sachs is.
7. May 2009. Goldman Sachs pays $60 million dollars to end an investigation by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office into Goldman Sachs helping to promote 714 unfair loans to Massachusetts residents.
8. FY 2008 Goldman Sachs makes over $100 million dollars a trading day 90 times.
9. FY 2009 Goldman Sachs makes over $100 million dollars a trading day 131 times.
10. FY 2010 1st QT reported April 20th 2010 Goldman Makes $3.4 Billion dollars
11. July 3rd, 2009 The FBI arrested the Goldman Sachs computer programmer Sergey Aleynikov on an Airplane in New Jersey for trying to steal Goldman Sachs secret codes they are using to steal investors money to a tune of $100 million a day. The News media and CNBC has been silent on this arrest. The silent conspiracy by the media.
12. April 16th, 2010. The SEC brings civil Fraud Charges against Goldman Sachs. more to come as the Russian connection and the Goldman Sachs Scandals continue to unfold. As for the news media collusion, CNBC still playing Public Relations in defense of Goldman Sachs, especially Jim Cramer. Will the News media finally be forced to tell the American people the truth about Goldman Sachs biggest scandal in the History of the United States. Germany and the U.K are now investigating Goldman Sachs and the real truth will finally be told. “ see the connections here “

Richard Keane April 21st, 2010

thanks for the info .. appreciated

all jmo