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06/08/10 9:59 PM

#140454 RE: Ican #140453

Which video conference? If you go to their website, the latest video is on the top right side where dean is sitting on a couch. This was filmed last friday June 4. These deals are real and yes, it seems out of a fairy tale. These guys have a dream and have the balls to put it together for 3 years. We are lucky enough to be part of it(assuming one owns shares). There has been many delays, but the delays appear to be over and all hell breaks loose soon. Some of us here have done extensive DD, even outside of Quasar, talking to outside sources, etc and all I can say is...



06/08/10 10:02 PM

#140457 RE: Ican #140453

Qasp has been working on these deals for years

All of their hard work and 100s of millions of shares they own and have not sold are soon about to be worth mint

these prices will soon be history forever

52 week highs very soon


06/08/10 10:03 PM

#140458 RE: Ican #140453

This deal will be finalized any minute now. Not meant to be funny. Many of us have been here for over a year now and we expect this to have news at any time now. The video conferences posted on the website were from the last two weeks. One on the left was week before last and the one on the right was from last friday.


06/08/10 10:23 PM

#140470 RE: Ican #140453

It is for real. Glad to have you aboard.


06/08/10 11:14 PM

#140481 RE: Ican #140453

lots of bumps but things are looking up ...way up imo
if your not in buy yourself a few shares
and btw where are you from cicero?