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06/07/10 4:41 PM

#17025 RE: Our-Street #17015

Our street: I agree with most of you assessment. What I think happened here is ACLH didn't respond so the SEC had to suspend due to lack of info, which ACLH could have and should have provided. If its failure to was from being "so busy" with the conf calls as some have speculated, then this might be explainable, but still career ending for Kidder. But what I'm afraid has happened, and the SEC will eventually fine ACLH for, is that it was clear Kidder knew about the SEC's inquiries and instead of responding thought he could front if off by going on the radio and "updating" prior PR's, which was basically pleading guilty on the knowledge issue. STill, it was likely sloppiness in PR drafting rather than an attempt at fraud. But, I wouldn't have invested but for their claim BP contacted them, so I hope they can get around that damning point for sake of the future of the pps.