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06/07/10 8:46 AM

#216154 RE: bsk2007 #216151

Seems like the announcements in Sept of Phase I results (lackluster at best) and the proceeding to Phase II (expected by many, if not most posters) will be overshadowed by the scope of Phase II and how it will be run as noted by your post. I hope you are right in predicting far greater success from Phase II.

Would you say the Phase I drilling over the last year was mostly a waste of time and effort or will it prove worthwhile based on knowledge gained of the geology of the JDZ?

The last 9 months have not been a joyride for investors and though 2010 was looked at as the year ERHC started taking off (at least by me) it may slip back to 2011 and positive Phase II results.

Too much behind-the-scene activities going on IMO for small investors to really feel secure in knowing if future looks bright or otherwise for the company. Til the dust clears, will continue to wait and hope. No faith lost in the assets, just when they are finally going to be discovered and tapped.

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06/07/10 10:13 AM

#216159 RE: bsk2007 #216151

The movie referred to is Heartbreak Ridge, starring Clint Eastwood as Gunny Highway, from whence came the term "cluster f**k".

Good to hear from you bsk, don't be a stranger.

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06/07/10 12:49 PM

#216166 RE: bsk2007 #216151

Thanks BSK.

If your scenairo plays out, one additioinal thought comes to mind. That is an answer to a questoin that has had me puzzled - why was PN placed on the Board of Directors and at the same time is ERHE CEO? I've thought that this action was redundant and a poor use of the Board.

However, if after ERHE moves to AIM and has less need of a lawyer skilled CEO and as you suggest the company shifts to staff with oil exploration experience, that would make an easier transition for PN...out of the CEO spot. He moves to another ERHE role or moves on altogether, yet retains a seat on the BOD and continues to indirectly represent EO. Could work....

My speculative thoughts for the day.

Thanks again for posting.
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06/07/10 12:56 PM

#216167 RE: bsk2007 #216151

bsk, in my opinion, your post is spot on. A lot of people are seeing dollar signs with a move to AIM. I'm afraid the dollar signs are coming but not necessarily to the small investor. A move to AIM just makes it easier to screw the small investor who has few protections.
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06/07/10 5:44 PM

#216174 RE: bsk2007 #216151

'bsk' - thank you for your wonderful post. As always, well-written and full of interesting tidbits.

Question...I believe you mentioned ERHE "transferring to the AIM". please excuse my ignorance...did you mean "transfer to" as in pick up and move to...or did you mean "expand to" as in staying on OTCBB and also opening on the AIM? Small point perhaps but one I hope you'll be kind enough to clarify.

Thank you.

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06/07/10 6:25 PM

#216175 RE: bsk2007 #216151

Bsk2007 ; good to hear from you. IMHO If Total comes into the game …It would be the “Proverbial Game Changer” The Challenge is finding the percentage that Mr. Game Changer needs to play in the JDZ. I have been watching Equinox, Ophir, (B3) Conoil, Dangas ( B4) They don’t seem to be going away… They would have to pony up for phase 2 drilling… If they thought nothing was there they would have sold percentages by now (imho).

What continues to be intriguing is this statement by ERHC…

“Further examine the controlling elements in the hydrocarbon accumulation based on seismic data and drilled well data;” At one time PN used the words “Probing into the accumulation base… was looking, couldn’t find link.

The next Game Changer we are seeing first hand (unfortunately ) is the BP thing in GOM. That will free up the drillships needed in the GOG. Sadly for the US. I would like to take a peek behind the curtain right now…to hear and see what is being said between SNP and Total.

The thing with Jeff Shrull is that, he isn’t my goat just yet based on this statement..
“He also said that he never stated he was disappointed in phase I".
This was said by Vance Querio. Also that the last well drilled Oki East was said to be big…( Not much known about the gas and the sands…at this point

The Show is far from over …I still have all the tickets I bought starting back in 05 …Those that are still here have pretty good seats… glta Dig.