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06/06/10 4:21 PM

#19170 RE: NYBob #19169

i hope momo on this. states need to support az. govenor.


06/06/10 7:17 PM

#19172 RE: NYBob #19169

The ‘Jolly Boys’ of Loyola Need a Swift Boot Out of America

By Greg Szymanski, JD
June 4, 2010

Georgetown University, the real White House, should be closed, shut down and point blank used to house the homeless in Washington DC.

The homeless, indigent and poor by the way created by the inside manipulators and real U.S. policy makers of the hidden American agenda — the jolly boys of Loyola better known as the Society (corrupters) of Jesus.

All kidding aside, this group heading up Georgetown is downright nasty, downright diabolical.

You say, I am exaggerating?

Well, punch me!

And, you bet, I will hit back with so many Jesuit factual blows to your fragile ego and mistaken belief system Don King will hire me in a New York minute.

But for you fragile readers, you readers still holding on to a thread of American hope: go shake a hickory stick with Jackson (not Michael) and hedge your bets on Barry Obama.

Now, we could off on a huge tirade about Jackson, Andrew that is, owning slaves, killing Native Americans but my what a good man he was to save us from a central banking system!

We could go off on Obama’s — whatever — but we will come back to the same old American hypocritical system that’s existed ever since George “Bush” Washington became the first dishonorable head of this country.

Yes, that’s right “Bush Washington” and hit me for that one too!

Hit me because I believe the first George was just as much in bed with the Jesuits as the second George and the third George, and just the same as Obama is in bed with the Pope, as we speak. Now, knowing what’s going on in the Vatican, some people might take that literally but don’t say you heard it from me!

Heard what, you say?

Well, tell them you heard this to make things clear:

Tell them I said Georgetown should be closed down because one its former professors had close ties, used U.S. money power and brought to power the big killer Joe ” The Jesuit” Stalin or better known in inner circles as Fr. Joseph Stalin SJ.

Quite a statement but so, so true it will make your eyeballs spin once you realize it can be proven.

Here is the beginning on how it can be done and I give you the first clue before giving you some hidden facts:

First, like a good little American, go to one of our other traitor Presidents web site’s and look for the eulogy he paid to Jesuit Fr. Edmund Walsh. The President is Ike (Eisenhower), the phony.

After you do find that, read this:

Kingpin Jesuit Edmund Walsh Puppetmaster for FDR, Stalin and Eisenhower

Walsh’s connection proves U.S., Russia and Jesuits all working together to promote genocide and control both sides of War

By Greg Szymanski, JD

Dec. 25, 2008

If the Vatican and Jesuits are not up to their eyeballs in provoking wars and creating general chaos worldwide, then why did Georgetown Jesuit priest, Edmund A. Walsh, handpick and place mass murderer Joseph Stalin into power?

If Walsh wasn’t a kingpin in the New World Order, how could he have the power to use American money to fund Russian communism? How could he have had the power to handpick FDR and Eisenhower to push a phony, controlled World War II onto the American people?

How could Walsh, the creator of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, have had the power to act as chief consultant to the Nuremburg trial judges in order to keep the Jesuits and Vatican connection to the Nazis out of the public record as well as ensuring some prominent Nazis were never convicted?

If Walsh was only a harmless school teacher as depicted by the Jesuits, how come he was instrumental in establishing diplomatic relations for the US Government in Baghdad way back in 1931? How come he personally assisted Plutarco Elías Calles in the formation of the National Revolutionary Party (PNR), ensuring the security and primacy of the Catholic Church in Mexican politics and the party- an alliance that remains unbroken to this day?Of course, all these important questions have never been answered by U.S. leaders and the Vatican. Why? Because it would show, beyond a reasonable doubt, the two entities are working together to destroy America from within and have been doing it for a very, very long time.

Furthermore, a good way to get the “other side of the story”, since the Jesuits and U.S. leaders aren’t talking, is to take a close look at Walsh’s connections to Stalin, FDR and Eisenhower, profiles kept out the public record but compiled by truth-seeking researchers, most importantly, Frank O’Collins, author of The Almanac of Evil.

Before looking at the profiles of these men, it is also interesting to note the Jesuit connection to Stalin and communism is also seen from Stalin’s own words in a little known letter written to the Politburo in 1934. In the leter Stalin wants to keep the Jesuit name out of the Bolshevik newspaper and tells the leaders to be wary and not to print an article by Engels because it refers, in part, to the Jesuits. Here is the quote by Engels which Stalin warns must be kept out of the Bolshevik:

“Foreign policy,” Engels states, “is unquestionably in the realm in which tsarism is very, very strong. Russian diplomacy constitutes a new kind of Jesuit Order, which is powerful enough to overcome, when necesary, even the tsars whims and, while sprading corruption far beyond itself, is capable of stopping corruption in its own midst.”

Now here is a look at the profiles of four of the most evil men in history, three of whom are publicly admired in America as great men:

After you read that, go to my archives dated Dec. 25, 2008 and read more.

And if you still want to punch me again, go ahead.

It’s fun.

It’s fun because in this Vatican high stakes game over the many years I’ve learned to duck and be a very, very good counter puncher!