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06/04/10 7:45 AM

#3063 RE: imprudent2 #3062

Well IMO, we sink. Everything JS puts his hands on is destroyed and sinks like the proverbial Titanic. In all my years of being involved with this company, I have not seen him close one deal yet. His deals are so ridiculous, no one in their right mind would accept them. The thing about CNIC, is they did have some money and were listed. Once their board saw what JS was trying to do, they got out. I really can not blame them. It happens everytime we try to do business with another company. Can you name just one successful business relationship that JS has had over the past 7 years? JS needs to resign as CEO and we need a new CEO who has integrity and understands this business. The only thing he is going to do is screw this company up so bad that it will go belly up, if it hasn't already.

I noticed people like Ed, who were talking up this company and were singing JS praises have disappeared like a fart in the wind. Why do you think that has happened? He now realizes what was being said about JS was true after all. JS will do what he always does when he screws up. He will spin the news and tell everyone it was the best thing that could of happened and it will only benefit the shareholders in the long run. He is so predictable that I know he will spin it as a positive for the company and then the share price will go down to a penny. How positive is that?
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D theG

06/04/10 8:57 AM

#3064 RE: imprudent2 #3062

I prefer to take a wait and see attitude as well. We were not getting anything from CNIC, with the exception of a possible vehicle to get on the NASDAQ in the future, and I think that was Johns main objective in dealing with them. I do agree though, we will be finding out very soon!
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Hedge Starz

06/04/10 9:10 AM

#3066 RE: imprudent2 #3062

Recall CNIC now has to pay a contract break fee to NLI....was it around $200k or so?