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06/02/10 5:40 PM

#20754 RE: MindlessSelf #20751


ATNP is a venture capital company that currently owns GoTV. The shares we own in GoTV are about to become payable. However instead of paying out monies they are going to turn GoTv into a publically traded company so that we can clammier around to get paid. It's like tossing chicken feed on the ground and all the chickens try to get their share. As opposed to feeding each chicken individually their fair share. They don't have that kind of cash on hand. If GoTv doesn't work out the damaged is contained and isolated without affecting ATNP.

Now just in case GoTv does work out ATNP is going to merge with GoTv and they will be happy but we will only get a little bit of the pie, unless we take the chance and buy mroe GoTv securities when they come online.

All of the above, as far as I know is legal and ATNP is NOT trying to steal our money they are just trying to grow their company and if they are successful we all get a fat pay check.
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06/03/10 8:22 AM

#20772 RE: MindlessSelf #20751

Yes GOTV is a subsidiary of ATNP / they both Have their own shares of stock thus allowing for GOTV to either Merge or just go into a shell company to go publi/ ATNP is the parent company and its Kid may leave Home so to speak