There are several very large companies (some larger than COV) that could potentially partner here. Phillips for example, which Rooney mentioned in an email, has a JV with Neusoft, POSC's manufacturer in CHina. Phillips is $28B mkt cap company.
If it is not COV, then folks need to realize that another name may be as good or better as a partner/buyout company.
COV is one of the largest healthcare companies in the world. Why do you think if they make an aquisition in sleep therapy, that thay can not make another one in different area? You are thinking with your own pockets and realy don't grasp how huge they are and how deep their pockets are.
in other words one has nothing to do with the other.
Garza started the rumor and even confirmed it in a later article. I was looking tghrough his old articles and was interested to note that he mentioned Covidien off-handedly in the first one. Hinted that it might be Covidien in the next. And said it was Covidien in the 3rd. Like it was all staged.