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06/02/10 11:18 AM

#19635 RE: greatgreat2 #19629

"Shares were used for the acquisition of 7 level is that a bad thing???

Guess we see it differently then as I have not seen any revenue numbers from 7th. level yet. How does buying a company with no revenue that I can see and diluting the current SDVI share holders help? It's not like they used the shares to purchase ERTS or some other known entity, IMHO.

"Shares were used for the 5 million investment to make a game is that a bad thing??? "

This still makes no sense to me????

SDVI - "I will give you XX shares and create a game for you in exchange for 5 million dollars"

Yam - Yea that sounds great...

No offense but everything I have seen lately is pointing to a desperate need for cash for SDVI and that scares me..

These acquisitions are only a good thing if they bring revenue to bottom line, period...