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05/30/10 4:35 PM

#132248 RE: jhernandez #132247

Yes...Those multinational companies grew too big...
Here is a choon i loved in my youth , i still like listen to it but i cannot change the world alone...can i ???
Call it the shorters HYMN !! :-)
Translation on the end of the post(google translator)

Maximierung des Gewinns von Canalterror

Tote Fische, Gift im Boden, Luft verpesten, Wälder roden
Babynahrung, Killerwaffen, raffen raffen raffen raffen
Düngemittel und Kanonen, konzentrierte Produktion
leben für den Zinseszins zur Maximierung des Gewinns
Die Multinationalen haben die Welt in ihrer Hand
Die Multinationalen sind die Herren in diesem Land
kalkulieren, subtrahieren, produzieren, ausradieren
Zur Maximierung des Gewinns, zur Maximierung des Gewinns
kalkulieren, subtrahieren, produzieren, ausradieren
Zur Maximierung des Gewinns, zur Maximierung des Gewinns
Strategie der Unterdrückung und der Manipulation
Menschenwürde, Freiheit, Gleichheit, alle Werte blanker Hohn
Was sie tun für nur ein Ziel, Mitleid fehlt da nicht mher viel
Menschenopfer für den Zins zur Maximierung des Gewinns
Lebensqualität erhöhen haben die Multis nicht im Sinn
das Primärziel ihrer Wirtschaft lautet nur Bilanzgewinn
Nur ein Wort kann sie erheitern, das heißt Kapital erweitern
und wir alle zahlen den Zins zur Maximierung des Gewinns



Maximization of profits from Canal Terror

Dead fish, poison the soil, pollute the air, clearing forests
pick up baby food, killer weapons, pick up pick up pick up
Fertilizers and guns, concentrated production
live for compound interest to maximize profits
The multinationals have the world in its hand
The multinationals are the masters in this country
calculate, subtract, produce, rub out
In order to maximize profit, to maximize profits
calculate, subtract, produce, rub out
In order to maximize profit, to maximize profits
Strategy of repression and manipulation
Human dignity, freedom, equality, all values mockery
What they do for only one purpose, compassion is missing because not much more
Human sacrifice for the interest of maximizing profits
increase quality of life, the multinationals have not in the sense
the primary goal of its economy is only profit
Just a word of cheer they can, that is, expand capital
and we all pay the interest to maximize profits



05/30/10 5:12 PM

#132249 RE: jhernandez #132247

This industry, which includes multinational and independent oil and gas producers and refiners, natural gas pipeline companies, gasoline service stations and fuel oil dealers, has long enjoyed a history of strong influence in Washington. Individuals and political action committees affiliated with oil and gas companies have donated $238.7 million to candidates and parties since the 1990 election cycle, 75 percent of which has gone to Republicans.


05/30/10 5:13 PM

#132250 RE: jhernandez #132247

Yes it is.... :-(