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05/30/10 11:41 AM

#71822 RE: GamblerNC #71821


They are not established facts whatsoever that:

1) There is/was any MM manipulation of EXPH.
2) There is/was any manipulation by hedge funds.

Please provide any credible evidence to support your *facts*?
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05/30/10 11:55 AM

#71823 RE: GamblerNC #71821

Was there any content in that post?

Looks like all you did was repost lies that management has stated and try to pretend they were facts.

I also love how you are claiming that this company that they "acquired" was in bankruptcy, yet none of us can find such evidence. What we can find is that the company has substantial debts and the assets are already spoken for by other companies as documented in UCC filings.

Oh oh but Expo hasn't filed anything regarding it so we should wait to hear the exact details from the people that never tell the truth about anything. Sounds like some pretty bad advice. Actually it doesn't sound that way, it is bad advice. It is all we have heard from the supporters of this dog. For months and months we hear the same excuse. "You can't prove that for sure." Because they use excuses that some random one in a trillion scenario could be what is happening to explain away all of te obvious reasons for why it is happening.

Expo did not acquire this company without acquiring the debts. Period. Unless of course the argument is that the state of North Carolina is lying to us. Hmmmmmm....JD is lying...or the state of NC???? Simple answer. Consider the source. Track records and all.

So now that we know management and people close to management have deliberately misrepresented what occurred, we have to consider why.

The why is obvious.

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05/30/10 12:38 PM

#71825 RE: GamblerNC #71821

nice post gambler on a few fronts

spent part of this weekend learning about
something called FLD or float lock down
which fits in with some other aspects i've
seen played out on exph's *tape* but that
is another topic folks can *DD* if they so


it's interesting reading posts from those
who've met mgmt and toured the facility

with every selective penny i take a position
in .. i weigh out the pros and the cons with
MY usual caveats of time and mgmt mastering
learning curves
(expertise in all areas
doesn't happen over *nite* .. pun intended)

the pros on expo are obvious

diversified co. with fortune 100/500 customers
that *survived* the worst economic down turn
and ALL that that implies (capital) since the
great depression

a sincere and *loyal* group of longs some of whom
live locally and can *visit* at any time and *observe*
many of whom have also eaten away at the *shares*
consistently over the past months (including the long
i call no. 7 .. who went from approx 67M shares last
fall to just under 200M shares today)

a mgmt team that will admit mistakes and *imo* learn
from them
as well as *incorporate* suggestions from
shareholders .. the expo website (shareholder section)
is a perfect example of this

a mgmt team who holds common shares and maintains a TA
that is ungagged
.. with an acct rep who will discuss
*hypothetical* aspects for those looking to *know*
beyond the no.s of the os (issued and outstanding)

the cons are also obvious

expo is an electively reporting pink and always has been ;-)

filings come at mgmt's pleasure and not on any schedule

as with any co. ~ share structure can and will be impacted
with zero notice
(one of the reasons why i always KISS and
use the AS in my *figurings*)

the economy sux and there are no guarantees that that will
change anytime soon

so as one who tries to weigh out both aspects
and my utter belief in mgmt's *integrity* and
intentions based on my almost 2 years of DD and
anecdotal evidence with some of those *local* longs
who are always kind enough to share tidbits ~ i want
to say thanks for making the effort .. when it would
be far easier to say *nothing* .. indeed imo that is
the desired *goal* as i suspect you fully understand

here's to what *some* of us expect to be filed and pr'd

the when is all that i question ~


enjoy your Memorial Day weekend sir .. with all the respect
and thanks this military brat can send your way

all jmo

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05/30/10 12:45 PM

#71826 RE: GamblerNC #71821

Builders Choice has not filed for Bankruptcy protection as of yet.If Builders Choice does file for Bankruptcy I somehow doubt that the winning bid for the encumbered assets would be a bid that includes restricted shares of EXPH.

Expo did NOT acquire Builders Choice in my opinion. I understand your frustration.

The IRS has a lien against all assets of the company. There has been no private asset auction of Builders Choice assets. If you say there has been then please post the proof. I'm open minded and look forward to you providing the board with the Builders Choice BK info that you hinted exists.

Yes, a business filing for bankruptcy has become too commonplace in these tough times, but to my knowledge Builders Choice has not done so. Suggesting Builders Choice has filed BK is hypothetical at this point. One good hypothetical theory deserves another- so here's another one------Interestingly enough there are situations that develop where a debt,lien ridden company transfers assets on the Q/T. Lending institutions, creditors and the IRS frown on attempts to avoid repayment through the illegal transfer of assets. Does the IRS pay a bounty to whistleblowers who provide detailed information that leads to collection of back taxes? Including unpaid property taxes, Federal payroll taxes and unpaid Federal unemployment taxes?

It can be said that we are all creatures of habit, Mr. Brown and Mr. Harrs included. Read the press releases put out to the public when Expo announced the pending ACQUISITION of Southern Candle, then read the Builders Choice press release.

my opinion of course
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05/30/10 2:16 PM

#71827 RE: GamblerNC #71821

Congratulations for your post :)
I put my faith in exph and holding all shares and 3M more than last year ago , 0 sells .