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05/29/10 1:09 PM

#27 RE: Blinton #26

Market Manipulation - Part 3 - Market Maker Signals.

Penny traders believe that Market Makers (MM) will "signal" moves in advance buy using small amounts of buys or sells as "signals". The "signals" are such a small amount of shares (worth no more than 5 or 10 dollars) that no trader would have paid a commission that costs more than the amount of shares bought. The "signals" are from one MM to another.

* 100 - I need shares.
* 200 - I need shares badly,but do not take the stock down.
* 300 - Take the price down so I can load shares
* 400 - Keep trading it sideways.
* 500 - Gap the stock. This gap can be either up or down, depending on the direction of the 500 signal.