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Replies to #96444 on Biotech Values


05/27/10 8:10 AM

#96460 RE: genisi #96444

OT: Response to Idit (and Dew)

OK, this thread has provided me with more smiles than I would ever have expected (and I hope for many of the readers as well.)

DT: my first blush response is to say "it's an acquired taste" but there are just so many ways to address flavoring (and hygiene) that goes way beyond the scope of even this discussion. Suffice it to say that men who enjoy "nibbling" overwhelmingly report on the pleasure they get in pleasing their partners. Personally, I describe it as enjoying the observation of the fireworks going off, a process that is all too infrequent for many women.

Dew, certainly there are about 1/3 of the general female population that do not have a "taste" for the behavior. About 90% of the variance of this subset can be accounted for by religiosity and educational factors (themselves significantly inter-correlated.) I would expect that the nature of this board would have already selected out most, if not all of those who decline for the above reasons, so am fairly confident that readers of my post (of both sexes) appreciate the message.

Bon apetit,


PS: Getting a physician to write an adderall prescription for off label use like that is a dicey proposition, at best. Adderall is a class 1 drug, and physicians are quite reserved about prescribing it to adults without a sound clinical rationale. This I know for a fact from clinical practice.